There is a first for everything! Top
I have been playing skye since she came out, and let me tell you.... I think she might be a tad op.
Overall Hero Ratin
10 out of 10
Wins: 32
Losses: 3
This is my first guide, so please let me know where I can improve to give you an easier and better experience playing the hero's you love and kicking ***!
Rotation time! Top
This is how you efficiently use the jungle
After your first two waves, you should be able to 'first buy'.
So begins the rotation:
Once you finish your third wave of jungle, make sure to end on the closest health minion to your base. Once you kill him, make your way to the lane for any gank chance. While you spend time in the lane, you are gaining coin from your laner's last hits, or gaining coin from a successful gank or defense. This gives your jungle time to refresh!
and Repeat.
Eventually this rotation becomes unnecessary, at that time make sure to take care of your team by killing fools or switching up to the lane while your laner goes to buy or goes back to base!
Skill rotation
This really is preference; I start out with a normal hit, then my first skill followed either by my ult depending on positioning of the other team or my second skill depending on what heroes are missing or presently being focused.
How to utilize Defense items Top
This can be utilized with every hero you choose, and I highly recommend you do. This will keep you alive longer, and increase the chance of winning team fights!
When playing against any team, buying at least one defensive item will prove a worthy buy in the mid game - late game phase. Shoot, even early game...buying a tier one defense item is a worthy buy.
How to figure out what you should buy
This is pretty simple, usually right off the bat you can detect what the other team is going to build and who is going to be an issue for you (So buy based on that one hero). There are medium dmg heroes, high dmg heroes, and low dmg tank heroes.
NEVER buy defense based on the other teams tank.. Figure out who is going to kill you faster and keep up with you and build one defense item based on their build.
Crystal = shield
Attack = Armor
Both high dmg = Health/shield or Health (I usually like to go with the healing item so that I can sustain longer and help my team as well.)
If you are a lower rank and playing a bunch of newer to less competitive players, make sure to keep tabs on the scoreboard page. This way you can see what they are building towards, and you can buy accordingly.
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