Introduction Top
Welcome welcome! This is my first guide and I must admit, I'm a bit on edge. I've done some writing before, but haven't even introduced myself on this site! Now, I want to be fully honest here by saying that I don't doubt that there are better set ups for our lady of chain guns, but this is a build I found to be solid for beginning Skye players (like myself) and it's not too bad if I do say so myself. Let's begin by going over a few things.
Skye is big on health but super wimpy on Armor and Shields (naturals).
Skye's chasing can only be outdone by Catherine.
Skye can do Jungling, albeit you're going to be slow at killing most enemies.
While you're super squishy, your damage output can be stupid high by the mid to late game.
I understand that she isn't even a week old yet, but I've been hammering out games with her and felt compelled to make this guide.
Early Game Top
Hammer out that Sorrowblade, get some Halcyon Potions and Sprint Boots. Players having difficulty with getting around should consider getting Travel Boots at the same time as their Sorrowblade. While she can do CP, I recommend WP early. Ratchet it up by sticking to the lane but not crossing the midline unless you must. Enemies will know that you can die in a few well placed hits and, considering skills, if even one has a stun skill you will find yourself respawning more than killing minions!
A few do's and don'ts
Don't over extend.
Beware stunners. Study your enemies carefully before the game starts, you know who you're fighting after all!
Use your Forward Barrage and Suri Strike often.
Halcyon Potions might slow your Sorrowblade build a little, but can keep you from having to make frequent trips back to base to get energy.
Do not get kited. While that might seem obvious, I will warn you that even a slight kite and you can be dead fast.
10 Minute Mark Top
Do have a Serpent Mask, would you kindly? You will need more time to get this item. Keep an eye on the Gold Mine to help boost this along (and killing a Turret wouldn't hurt either). It's rough, but is ultimately doable. Get a Barbed Needle first if you're wanting Lane Longevity or a Heavy Metal first to boost your damage output. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, if your teammates go for the Mine, get there with them.
Kraken Has Arrived Top
It's not nearly as difficult to build as the rest of your items, but this one actually isn't a Weapon Item. Build a Clockwork to shave off seconds of your cooldown and get more shots fired! This will also take care of any energy issues you likely will have experienced by this point in the game. Don't fight the Kraken without an Ace and your teammates. You will lose to it fast and no amount of item usage will make you her equal.
Finale Top
By this point you should know what items your enemies are building and can respond appropriately. Don't misunderstand why the Core and the Items to Consider section exist. Broken Myth can help in massive fights, especially Kraken fights if the worst comes to pass, but you can get away without it if you do a Weapon Infusion instead. It all depends on how long the game has gone on and how the pace is set. If you do do a Broken Myth, then get both Infusions, one after the other. Your power output will be stupid high and you can wreck most units without a problem.
Conclusion Top
I hope you enjoyed this guide! I'm not an expert with Skye, again, but I do enjoy using her and found this to be a solid build. If you have any suggestions or questions as to why I didn't include some items you figured should be here, a CP build, etc, I will answer those as they come. Continue to hit that Halcyon Fold and make sure your enemies know you mean business!
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