The Beast Ringo Guide Top
Hello! My name is
JOHN CENA! DreamerSky, and this is the first guide I'll be making. Today, I'll be making a guide for Ringo, the drunken gunman, who always seems to never miss. So yeah, let's get this started, as this guide will surely be beneficial for both newbies and veterans.
The Basics of Ringo Top
Ringo has a good set of skills and a high amount of damage. Though he is quite weak in the early game, he dominates the fold in Mid and Late Game.
Ringo's Skills
Heroic Perk
Double Down
After Ringo kills anything, his next basic attack will be a critical hit. This helps in many ways, I will state some strategies for this in the next part.
Achilles Shot
This skill can slow enemies, while dealing a sufficient amount if damage. Use it when you give chase with your teammates following, or as a sure last hit on an enemy (or a killsteal, hehehe) as it has long range.
Twirling Silver
This is a very important skill for Ringo. Foremost, it grants Ringo attack speed AND movement speed, making it ideal for escapes. One strategy I do to leave base quickly is to tap the
Twirling Silver button while in the base fountain and leave while it still gives mana for a quick departure from the base. Always remember to use this against enemy heroes, and against minions, if you want.
Hellfire Brew
Ahh, yes, quite a magical skill for Ringo. The coolest thing about this skill, is that it'll follow enemies wherever they go until it hits them. Use it as a sure last hit, or use it as an initiator for battles, activating it on the target while hiding in the brush.
Ringo Strategies Top
There are many good strategical guides out there, so I think I'd show my strategy.
The best item to first build up is the
Tension Bow because it will truly be helpful as it provides +180 for every basic attack every 6 seconds. One strategy to mix up the usage of the
Double Down perk with the
Tension Bow. When you're up against a laner early game, kill an enemy minion and harass the enemy by hitting him after the minion kill. The enemy be low if he/she is stubborn after repetition of this strategy. Mix this strategy with the
Tension Bow by hitting your opponent with the charged up TBow while
Double Down is activated. This provides high amounts of hit damage, causing the opponent to retreat, or you can just rush in and finish the enemy after they take some damage. Another great strategy is to mix up the before strategy with the
Achilles Shot this time. It's fine if you don't have the Heroic Perk on, so just hit the
Achilles Shot button at the moment you release your basic attack for a heavy burst of damage. Doing this with
Double Down or
Sorrowblade or even both will make it more effective, making life easier as it turns kills into 3 or 2 hit KOs on squishy heroes. Never forget to use
Twirling Silver in these strategies.
When you're up against a lone laner who you think can beat you in a 1v1 you can:
A. Strafe, and burst out your skills.
B. Hide or retreat and let your buddies finish them off.
C. Use the 'fool strategy'. Do this by poking in and out of many different bushes while hitting and confusing the enemy.
D. Use the 'hidden hit burst strategy'. Hide in a bush and use
Hellfire Brew, your enemy will most likely panic and retreat, so burst as much damage as you can on them to take the kill.
E. Ping your teammates to gank them.
When you're up against 2 or more enemies, you can:
A. Take them on singlehandedly, ONLY if they're both squishy or one or two of them is low.
B. Burst out
Hellfire Brew to splash damage on the group and finish them of ONLY if they panic and scramble.
C. Call your teammates to unleash hell on them together.
D. Run like a coward.
And lastly, the most important strategy for Ringo is....

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Alright, if you're new, Kiting is a strategy wherein you're able to hit the enemy while you yourself is unable to be hit. Basically, you tap away from the enemy and tap on him/her. It is very beneficial in many situations. It is also similar to strafing.
For example, you are being chased by a
MELEE hero while low on health, you can kite and finish them off. When mastered, you will truly be unkillable. This applies to most ranged heroes and to some melee heroes. If you are chased by a ranged hero, you can do the Kite Strafe strategy. Basically is strafing while kiting. This will be helpful while being chased by
DIRECTIONAL PLACEMENT HEROES or the heroes who are ranged but most of their attacks must be directed like
Skaarf, or
Skye. This can be done by constantly moving away from the chaser while moving left to right, or simply, running backwards in a zig-zag motion. This will not be so effective against
Vox or
Further Information About Ringo Top
Some Advantages and Disadvantages for Ringo himself.
1. Ringo is fast and has high damage.
2. Ringo is somewhat compatible with Crystal Builds and Health Builds.
3. Ringo is the easiest hero to master.
4. Ringo is a beast in mid and late game even if he's a simple hero.
1. Enemy Ringos will be a pain in the ponytail if they are good or if they follow this build.
2. Ringo is vulnerable to damage dealers and is very squishy.
3. Ringo is widely used, so prepare for stolen instalocks.
4. Ringo is frequently chosen by newbies, because he is easy to use but still, the outcome will be bad for newbies.
Pros and Cons for the Build.
+ Will have high burst damage especially against squishy enemies.
+ Can be effective against tanks.
+ Pure Weapon build strikes fear into enemies who don't know how to use Armor.
- Pure Weapon has imbaness as it has no defensive items except for
- Can be countered easily by Armor
- This same build can be used against you!
Special Thanks Top
Before I conclude this guide, I'd like to thank the following:
PlayoffBeard and SEMC for making the best game in eternity.
The VG community, for being there to make this game famous.
All the noobs who screw up and ruin my gameplay.
Alright! I sure hope you enjoyed taking your precious time
and wasting your life reading my first ever guide. So yeah, I hope it helped you improve your gameplay as Ringo my beloved favorite and PEACE OUT!
Remember, Ringo is love, Ringo is life.
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