This isn't a guide specifically for Celeste or her gear. It's a guide to laning. I've noticed a lot lately groups with 2 laners. This is usually good for single laner enemy. If you are the single laner and need help, PING your team to the lane. A jungler tries to keep up with what's going on in the lane but can't always know. Pinging a question mark on your jungler after you die does nothing. It's YOUR fault you died. Ping before the initiation to get help. Communication is key in MOBAs.
Junglers don't stay in the lane if your teammate is laning 1v2. Laners are the main carry in damage. You are taking away from their gold and xp. They may be sitting on your turret but that's perfect. It keeps your laner safe so they can farm longer. They WILL surpass the enemy laners in level and gold. This is an advantage to your team. Don't disrupt this advantage unless your laner is low hp or pings for help. If your solo queuing then assume if your turret is taking damage they need help. This is proper team synergy. Don't come to lane to try ganking unless:
1. Enemy is continuing to overextend
2. You have your ult. Before you have your ult you will most likely not get a kill and thus waste time you could have been collecting gold and xp.
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