Introduction Top
My name is DurrDude and I would like to share with you the build helped me solo queue to
Pinnacle of Awesome. After the newest update, Tank
Koshka has been the most viable
Koshka build in the high tiers.
Tank Koshka? Why should I build a tank build for an assassin?
The answer is simple. Her
Twirly Death does a lot of damage even though no crystal has been invested in her. Also,
Aftershock does not require any crystal to be useful. Pouncy fun does an adequate amount of damage as well.
The Dreaded Triple Jungle Invade Top
Go to the middle of the jungle with your two teammates and hide in the bush next to the jungle shop on your side. Don't provoke a fight if your team contains a
Taka or any weak early game character. Contrarily to this, try to provoke a fight if the enemy team has a weak early game character.
Attacking puts you in a tactically bad position because you initiate, the whole enemy team can focus on you and kill you. However, if you win the triple jungle invade, you've denied the enemy team gold and xp. High risk = High reward. With the
Sprint Boots, use it to chase down or run away. Remember to steal jungle minions and don't prolong the fight. Enemy respawn time is quick.
Early Game Top
Farm as much as possible to be the first to level 8. You can kill a jungle creep within 5 seconds when properly farmed at level 6. Use that to your advantage to steal opponent's jungle creeps, but don't overextend. Try not to fight the enemy
Koshka(if there is one) early game if you are losing. Focus on farming and stealing enemy jungle. Use scout traps to know which minions on the enemy's sides are taken. Remember to use
Sprint Boots for running away or chasing down a running enemy.
Mid Game Top
Turret dive and gank if you believe you can kill the enemy laner before they retreat to their turret. Use
Reflex Block to block stuns and slows to prevent the turret from killing you. This is to kick the enemy laner out of the lane so they level slower. However, remember to farm and be the first to level 8. Keep your twirly stacks up by roaming in the lane and using
Twirly Death on the minions.
Late Game Top
together as a team! It's the most important rule to prevent yourself from getting picked off one by one. In team fights, try to peel the enemy off your carry (
Celeste). Also, if you have an
Atlas Pauldron, try to use it on the enemy with the highest attack speed and/or WP. Remember to
Reflex Block and tank for your carry. Use a
Flare Gun to give your team vision. Buy
Crystal Infusion and
Weapon Infusion if you believe the next few fights will be critical.
About Alternatives Top
Use the Anti-High WP if you just cannot survive long enough to do anything useful.
Get Alternative #1 if you're getting focused in teamfights and not your teammates
Get Alternative #2 if you're getting ignored. Use Atlas Pauldron on the enemy carries.
Use the Anti-WP & Crystal Hybrid if the crystal is the main carry/getting the most kills
Get its alternative if the WP is carrying. If both are carries and killing a lot of people, I suggest you get an aegis instead of a crucible if the crystal has an aftershock. Else, get an atlas, and 2 crucibles, and focus on the squishiest.
Conclusion Top
Koshka falls off late-game, however, she can still tank for her teammates and can still dish out a lot of damage late-game. With this build, you have to be aggressive but not stupid. Steal minions if you can but don't jump into a 1v3 for a minion

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