Hi guys, my name is Peter, IGN lookatme, I'm the captain of Team SNOW. On the Vainglory Autumn Live Finals in Poland Petal was banned against us 3 times, the enemies thought I can play it well. In the 1.14 version she is usable again, quite enough powerful to be played on high skill tiers.
The best position for Petal is jungle, because on the lane enemy will keep killing her pets, and this hero is quite useless without them. Petal is best with crystal power, because all of her abilities scale only by crystal. She must keep good distance from the enemies, and for that, you have to step shoot – that's tapping your enemy whom you want to attack and the direction where you want to go alternately.
Brambleboom Seeds Petal plants a seed in front of her. The seed near Petal turn into pets shortly after planting, Petal can have no more than 3 pets at a time. Apart from that, seeds give vision, which is very useful while taking a gold mine or Kraken, or when retreating, to learn about the enemies moves. When enemies step on the seeds, they burst with good damage and kick them backwards, so try to make enemies step on them. The first ability requires most energy, so keep an eye on the energy bar. The less energy you have, the slower it regenerates, try to keep it near to full before a teamfight.
To use this one you've to plant a seed in the desired direction of jump, and press Trampoline! immediately. You can skip over almost all walls on the map, try this in the solo training. This ability should be upgraded only to level 4 and at the very last time, because its upgrade only decreases cooldown time, which is not so important in a teamfight.
Spontaneous Combustion
Petal orders the pets to burst one after another, the bursting pets deal AOE damage, slow the enemies and heal the allies nearby. Try to deal damage and heal the allies at the same time. Be sure to check the amount of pets on the small icon in the left bottom corner, because in a fight you often cannot count them. If there's less than 3 pets, it won't be so effective, and if there's zero, you'll just waste ur ultimate. In the late game it's better to use the ultimate, when your Broken Myth is fully stacked (see further).
As I've said already, Petal should keep distance, if the enemies try to approach, she should retreat, if they run, she should chase them. Frostburn and Trampoline! ability help this tactics.
The second attack item should be Broken Myth. It empowers your crystal abilities immensely, when you stack it up, and the stacks get up very fast. The amount of stacks is also displayed in the bottom left corner, use your ultimate when there's 6-7 stacks.
Don't forget about defense – if you get heavily hit by weapon power, take Atlas Pauldron or Metal Jacket, if the enemies damage you with crystal abilities, take Aegis or Fountain of Renewal. You can take 2 defensive items, don't neglect this.
If the enemies are failing to reach you in a teamfight, you can take no defense except for a Reflex Block, but this advice isn't for newbies, you've to practice a lot for such play.
It happens very rarely in my experience, but all the same, sometime the game gets so long that you can buy a third attack item. Before you do this, you must have Frostburn and Broken Myth, and also one defensive item and Travel Boots. Then I can buy Alternating Current or Shatterglass. Alternating Current is useful, if the pets die too fast, then I need more auto attack power. Shatterglass can be bought, if the pets live long in teamfights and I need more damage from them.
Thanks for reading!
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Hope you enjoy! Good-bye!
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