Threat |
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Ylva |
And finally Ylva, the stealthy assasin.
Be carefull when wandering around the map and se cannot only just see you but also kill you with ease.
Her traps are sneaky and sometimes the best trap is the not in plain sight, so be carefull when chasing her. |
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Krul |
Despite his immense lifesteal,Krul however is still a melee hero making it easy to avoid and kill with constant triple taps and to finish off with last rites.
However do not be fooled as some krul players first stun their victim with a traveling sword and then finish them off so be carefull! |
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Taka |
Also in this case taka is very strong but just like krul earlier an easy kill if outsmarted.
Taka is kind of a challenge when fighting against him,for example when he turns invisible, either your team has a lot of vision over the map or you are very good at predicting where a sneaky taka can go. |
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Alpha |
Alpha the undieing roget tobot can be easily killed by your now famous barage of triple taps.
Just don't chase her around too much, her team could be in any bush awaiting for your arrival eagerly. |
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Skaarf |
Skaarf,cute dragon
If he isn't a VG world wide pro, i can assure you that he is an easy kill. |
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Petal |
Petal,a strong mage if ignored, will be your loves me loves me not insignificant flower.
You can easily destroy Petal,but don't forget you aren't the only one who has a custom build,she might be a troll but not a survivor after your presence. |
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Baptiste |
Baptiste, death itself cannot survive your inevitable barage of triple taps.
His B ability, however, can trick you into getting close to him and dieing from a unpleasent death,and even if you were the fastest taper in the west,his lifesteal
is greater than yours. |
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Adagio |
Adagio,a bored serafin,he thinks he is above every hero,prove him he is NOT above consequences.
Adagio can sometimes be somewhat of a threat to you as he might have a Hybrid Build, in that case worry about the heros that follow him in every battle. |
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Kestrel |
Kestrel, the bow master.
Be carefull to be outsmarted, in any case she is easy to kill. |
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Lorelai |
Lorelai,a sea queen.
Lorelai isn't a threat, the only problem you will encounter when she is on the enemy team is her ULT,if you aren't good at timing last rites,if you are there is no problem kiling her/the enemy being targeted to her ult as last rites ignored that shield and kills it.
The best way to kill her is in team fights. |
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Glaive |
Glaive,the bounty hunter,transformes his foes into his personal trophies,prove him you're worth more than platinum.
Glaive is on another level,he not just has a powerfull A ability but also his ULT is something to be feared,when you encounter him try not to be subject to a deadly stun. |
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Joule |
Joule, the underrated killing machine,put a wrench in her gears.
Joule as displayed before is quite the enemy,if she has a custom build you might not want to be her target.
However i can assure you if it's a 1v1 and you dodge her attacks you will most probably kill her with ease. |
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SAW,another killing machine,this man is a man with a REAL gun.
SAW is quite a threat to you too,do your best at hitting him last rites and a well timed triple tap,dont give him targets too when it's a WP build and a CP build.
If it's a crystal build worry more about your life than his and you will be good. |
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Ardan |
Ardan,he will do anything to protect his allies,after you had a "meeting" with him,he will soon see Julia again.
Ardan is a gamechanger, do not mess with him unless you he doesen't have an ally with him or you have some company too. |
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Koshka |
Koshka...a cat?
Check her build, if its CP use the Slumbering Husk to not get insta killed and destroy her with your triple taps. |
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San Feng |
San Feng,VG's kung fu panda substitution.
This guy will counter all of your attacks, so be carefull when he activates his A ability, and dodge at all costs his B ability. |
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Tony |
Tony,a wrestler.
Watch out to kill him you have to be wary of what you do and be good at attacking fast. |
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Blackfeather |
Blackfeather,a breathtaking warrior,show him not all that shines is gold.
Blackfeather is quite the challenge if you are in front of a pro/custom build player, try our best at dodging his B ability as it gives him a temporary defense.
Also do try your best to not get hit,as you're not the only one who can use a executioner move,and by i mean the 5 broken hearts and his inevitable A ability. |
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Anka |
Anka,a assasin with cirurgical precision,it'll be knife to meet her.
Anka will most probably notice you are the team's damage dealer and will focus on you, thanks to her abilities she can attack you with ease with her A B and dodge your attacks with her ULT, so be carefull she is a beast. |
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Baron |
Baron,a strong artilery,he won't be covering Skye's six anymore.
Baron is quite a challenge too,try to surprise him with some attacks but dont linger too much with him as he might have some lifesteal and great damage in his build so remember to consult enemy builds every once in a while |
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Celeste |
Celeste,queen of the stars,show her a new star has entered Halcyon Fold.
Celeste is quite strong if you ignore her in battle,infact she mostly sticks around captains like Ardan or Catherine to avoid being easily outsmarted and/or hit with your most powerfull attack.
Celeste might be strong and fast but she can't slow you might her attacks,max she can stun you for a while, the best way to kill her when the Captain's not around, so a good plan would be:ask for your jungler to picka fight with the enemy jungler and tell your captain to tag along, there will be 2 results to this operation,either Celeste stays in the lane to avoid you destroying turrets or goes and join the fight, if she does you can follow her and slow her down with a well aimed triple tap and last rites,after that you refresh your abilities and finish her off and the other enemy heros for a well deserved Ace and continue pushing the turrets located in the lane's path.
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Lyra |
Lyra,the annoying healer.
If Lyra has an amazing A ability this will be annoying and you will have to be fast when killing other enemys.
try to reduce them to a last rites kill hp.
The best way to kill her is in team fights. |
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Ringo |
Ringo,somehow reloads fast than you do, and with one hand.
Even though he is super easy to kill do not ignore that he is quite a strong fella. |
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Samuel |
Samuel, an annoying e-boy.
really, he is annoying and he seems to lack common sense when it comes to retreating from a fight,that is good for you though,teach him that sometimes he just has to quit. |
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Silvernail |
Silvernail,the booby trap master.
Don't fall for his traps, he isn't much more than a cheater really, he sometimes plays ring around the rosy with his A ability and annoys you with his B and ULT.
Best way to show him he needs to be scared of you is surprising him with a well timed triple tap while you're in a bush. |
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Catherine |
Catherine,the great protector,demonstrate that she lacks the skill to protect her comrades and loved ones.
Similar to Ardan Catherine is quite the gamechanger too as she may stun you in unfavorable places,as to say turret areas,near newly respawned junglers/strong carries/etc...
Pick on her when you are having a team fight to not just avoid a nasty stun surprise but also avoid her from saving enemy heros. |
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Fortress |
Fortress,an alpha wolf ready to kill his victims one bite at a time,teach him that bad dogs get punished and his punishment is eternal.
Fortress sometimes is quite strong as some players use him as a jungler and not a captain,he can see where you are in your map once he uses his ULT and his dogs find you,be carefull however even if he is easy to kill, when an ally is with him he receives a speed boost making it easy to reach up to you if you aren't in battle conditions. |
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Kinetic |
Kinetic,a gamechanger carry
Please dont get outsmarted and/or hit too much as she has many good opportunities of having a great build if someone just sat down and made one.
1 more rule is..Do not chase her too much unless its a secured kll |
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Lance |
Lance,a great warrior.
Lance is also a gamechanger, dodge his A ability as much as possible so you wont get in an unfavorable position.
The best way to kill him is in team fights. |
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Rona |
Rona, a T H I C C warrior.
if you aren't in her reach she won't be a problem anymore.
Just spam her with the ol' triple tap and it should suffice. |
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Skye |
Skye,annoying thing, just annoying.
This hero is just the best way to annoy someone...
every ability is annoying...
kill her at all costs, not just for your sake but also for mine. |
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Varya |
Varya,Zeus made woman.
be carefull when attacking her as she might outsmart you,she will most probably always have her "bodyguard" that normaly is an ez kill.
just dont go so hard onto her, dodge her attacks and play smart,as always. |
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Yates |
Yates,the *almost* best abilities captain.
Don't mess with Yates if he is accompanied by someone else, he can stun,pull and escape easily.
The best way to kill him is in team fights. |
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Flicker |
Flicker,an invisible support that can slow you and secure your kill,show him that slow doesen't mean docile.
Flicker can appear and disappear in a blink of an eye and can slow you in a way that if he has company, this might be your end.
Escape from his B ability using Once More and keep grinding his life until he decides that you aren't someone to be messed with. |
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Gwen |
Gwen,a cowgirl,show her she isn't the only cowboy era hero around.
Gwen is fairly easy to kill just worry about her being escorted by a captain/jungler.
Dodge her ULT ability,or you will be killed most of the times. |
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Inara |
Inara,a jungle beast ready to kick back and jump forwards,calm her down.
I don't have much to say about her, just be carefull with her as she is quite strong but can be outsmarted most of the times but is for sure a slipery enemy. Other than that she is an easy kill |
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Malene |
Malene,a powerfull mage with a shadow self.
Don't worry about her too much,worry about who is with her and if you are forced to fight, make sure you dont get hit too much with her A ability in both modes. |
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Phinn |
Phinn,either an instopable force or an immovable object.
Phinn isn't much of your concern if he isn't using a CP build, but he may get dangerous if you lower your guard, for example if you are escaping Phinn has an immense controll over the battleground, so be wary of what you do. |
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Churnwalker |
Churnwalker,a legend made true,show him even the churn's power cannot stop you from defeating whatever remains of Martin Walker.
Be carefull when facing this monster as he can outsmart you on various ways,first of all do not get chained as he will damage you overtime and/or pull you in the enemy team's reach.
The best way to kill him is when you are team fighting, focus on him and grind his life away.
PS: he has T H I C C chains ;) |
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Idris |
Idris,truth goes unarmed but he shall carry a spear,show him that sometimes the truth is that he isn't ready to fight you.
Idris is a very strong enemy, his burst damage is immense and if ignored he can tear your team apart, including you.
Dodge his A ability as much as possible and do not worry if he uses his ULT on you, worry when he uses his ULT on enemy heros as it heals the selected hero,and that might have a bad turn |
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Magnus |
Magnus,the most powerfull mage.
Magnus is a beast when ignored,with a snap of his fingers your health will be greatly reduced, so be carefull when fighting him.
He is hard to kill when his team protects him a lot,since he is nimble and doesen't have much defense.
Despite that you can easily target him and kill him too. |
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Reim |
Reim,the ice mage.
Even though easy to kill do not get in his range and he is deadly in close combat. |
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Reza |
Reza....a demon?
Reza will follow you and/or focus on you if he notices you are strong,he's like a taka but stronger and he won't stop following you until he is dead most of the cases. |
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Grace |
Grace,an angelic paladin,show her that the road to hell is paved with good actions.
All Grace abilities are great for keeping her allies alive and safe from any further damage.
Thats why you have to worry when she is healing a defenseles beast that even though hasn't a lot of armor has a lot of attack power.
Worry about killing in team fights. |
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Kensei |
Kensei,a ninja master.
Kensei is a bit threat to you, be carefull when he focuses on since he can reach the enemy that is on the corner of the battle and easily kill them,just dont get hit when you encounter him, and try to dodge from his A abilility with your B ability or just slow him down and finish him with your triple tap. |
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Ozo |
Ozo,the lifesteal prince.
After krul the lifesteal king comes his "son" Ozo, and he, my friend, can easily destroy you with his lifesteal,that if you aren't fighting 1v1, be carefull when he uses his B ability too, as he can reach you from far away. |
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Vox |
Vox,a worthy opponent.
Don't mess with him unless you are:
-a pro
-someone with 1-2 years of gameplay
-accompanied by an ally
He can 3v1...really no jokes,don't mess with him alone. |
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Caine |
Caine,an unstopable hitman in search for a worthy opponent,show him that he isn't the only cowboy in town.
Sometimes the strongest enemy you will face is yourself,ALWAYS check an enemy Caine to see if they have your same build as it might turn out in an unpleasent surprise for the both of you.
If he IS using your same build, rely on dodging triple taps and last rites/find his weakpoint for example dodging/aim/close combat/etc...
Another alternative is to tell your team to focus on the enemy Caine to avoid unexpected surprises. |
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Grumpjaw |
Grumpjaw,an insatiable beast,put his hunger to an end.
Grumpjaw is something to be feared,do not fight him if you aren't in the proper conditions.
Outsmart him if you can.
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Leo |
Leo,a brawny bodyguard.
Leo is quite strong but easy to kill at the same time, he is only OP when there is a good captain/carry/jungler with him...
Try to not get targeted and have a good support on your team if this happens,if unsure ban him in some matches to be safe. |
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