Shatterglass is a great first item for Petal because it gives her very high damage early in the match. Also, the more crystal power you have, the more health your munions have. In almost all matches, the enemy team will try to kill your munions in early game to reduce your damage. As everyone knows, CP Petal is useless without her munions. Shatterglass will make the enemy team fight you and not your munions or die trying to run away. I usually always get the Shiversteel right after the Shatterglass because it serves as defense and offense for Petal, and allows Petal to finish off low health targets that are trying to flee. Shiversteel is powerful in all stages of the game. When you have 2v2 fights in jungle early game, use the range of your attacks and munions, along with your leap to kite your enemies. Since you have more range than most junglers, doing this will allow you to deal a significant amount of damage before theyou can come into range to damage you. By this time they will be forced to retreat and you can then activate your Shiversteel to secure the kill. Shiversteel is also very helpful when ganking the enemy laner. I personally think that Shiversteel is more effective than a frostburn because it is a cheap item, allowing you to pick it up early and it gives you a massive amount of health. Also, you can choose when you want to slow the opponent rather than when you deal crystal damage. Working towards the broken myth as a third item will give you penetration for the shieldsame that the enemy has picked up for you after the beating you have given them with the Shiversteel/Shatterglass combo. The amount of damage increase it gives Petal is immense, with high crystal ratios on her seeds, and her ultimate. With these three items you already have plenty of damage, and the enemy team probably has sacrificed part of there own damage for protections against you, allowing you to get by with one defensive item. I prefer to get and Aegis over Metal Jacket because you always have that reflex block if you need it. Keep in mind that you still have Shiversteel giving you extra health. Your last item will either be an Alternating Current or Eve of Harvest. It you want more sustain, then get Eve. But keep in mind that you do have your ultimate that gives you and your team health. If you want more attack speed and kiting ability, then get AC. The reason that AC is not necessary for crystal power Petal is because all or her damage comes from her munions, not her basic attacks. Alternating Current does provide crystal power and deals part of your crystal power on every other basic attack. But if this is your first item purchase, it is not as effective without a lot of crystal power. It can be very strong after you pick up those heavy crystal items first. However, I would not take either of these items until you have purchased Shatterglass, Shiversteel, Broken Myth, Aegis, and at least tier 2 boots.
I made this guide because I consider myself as an experienced Petal player, and I feel like a lot of Vainglory players don't know how to use Petal or just think that she sucks. Don't worry, I used to say the same thing but that was before I knew how to play her. If you take the time to learn how to play Petal, you will dominate in your matches. This build allows you to play aggressive and defensive safely in the early game, and if you play correctly, you will be able to gets kill left and right and snowball your way to victory. Your ability to do immense damage and be hard to take down, allows your team to kill any opponent and win all team fights. Hence: "The Nightmare Petal Build".
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