Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
No Threat |
2 |
Phinn |
Phinns lack of mobility makes him an easy target if your dashing around. |
3 |
Reim |
You can easily zone him out and if you land wait for it he is basically useless. |
4 |
Petal |
Her munions can be easily taken out with resonance but if she's going weapon there's not much you can do. |
5 |
Krul |
You should be able to kite him pretty easily once his abilities are on cool down so try to bait out his abilities and/or atlas him. |
5 |
Vox |
If there was a right in the middle option I would have used it for Vox because you should be on an even playing field it just depends on their build and skill level. |
6 |
Because of how mush damage he can do so quickly it's very hard to kill him so if you can try and use the minions in lane to bounce resonance to him or if he's weapon try to get an atlas. |
7 |
No Threat |
8 |
Baron |
Baron can easily zone you out so if you want a chance at beating him you have to hit him with a silence or an atlas depending on whether he's weapon or crystal. |
9 |
Taka |
Taka can burst you down really quickly so consider getting a slumbering husk, and make sure to stay cautious. |
10 |
No Threat |
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