Lyra no longer has burst healing upon detonation or when the timer runs out and she can't be as aggressive as she used to, so you have to play a lot more defensively now. Also, I don't really like to use Clockwork on Lyra, I usually get Halcyon Chargers instead of War Treads and get an Eve of Harvest or Broken Myth instead of Clockwork. If I really need the CD reduction and energy, I might get it later but it's not really a priority for me. Aegis instead of Crucible is also a great defense item for you since you are super squishy and really need the extra shield most of the time.
Well, everyone can play Lyra as he/she wants to.
With my play-style I don't find building Aegis necessary (unless I'm facing CP Taka or Koshka). Lyra has many ways to escape using her abilities, and imo she only needs mentioned Crucible and War Treads to be safe.
Even without burst healing I find having many HP items needful. Clockwork is great for cooldown reduction and I need it as I rely greatly on my abilities.
So, I have been thinking about buying Lyra or Celeste. Yesterday when I was playing my favourite Taka. I tried to X-Retsu Lyra but she triggered Bright Bulwark. I hit face-first onto that semi-solid wall. Then I got killed by her teammate while slows me and reveal me with her Heroic Perk and Imperial Sigil. I'm so getting Lyra now.
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With my play-style I don't find building
Even without burst healing I find having many HP items needful.
But hey, everyone plays