Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Baron |
Long range is annoying but doge his abilities and slow him and he is no more threatening than (insert something non threatening). |
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Alpha |
Easy kill she will come to you thinking she can not die. OH how wrong she is. make sure to kill her whilst she is regenerating or this bug is comin back. |
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Petal |
If anyone plays as this little creep just kill the little flower loving hippy he wont even deal damage most of the time. Watch out in team fights take her out first. |
2 |
The mans gun shoots tampons and my little brothers air soft gun hurts more. Draw him out of his turret range or jump him in the forest. |
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Phinn |
Lizard man over hear is annoying with his slow and GET OVER HERE anchor, but his attack is sooo low its like his anchor is made of plastic. your attack speed and health regeneration will trump his damage and slow. 9 out of 10 times you will win this fight. |
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Flicker |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH ok i just peed myself a little thinking about how this fight would go would in mortal combat. ROUND 1 FIGHT. Flicker uses invisibility slaps Krul across the face with a glove. Krul responds by decapitating the small cat immediately after first hit. HMMM sounds like this other game i know starts with V and ends with AINGLORY. But if you loose site of everyone on the mini map simultaniosly RUN FOR TURENT COVER AS FAST AND AS FURIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE. |
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Samuel |
Easy kill but watch out late game his attack will most certainly be higher. |
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Gwen |
Hey babe you hot as hell but do your guns shoot bbs because thats about how much damage they do. Easy kill --- thats it. |
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Skaarf |
BANGS HEAD ON DESK REPEDIATLY. THIS IS A GAME ABOUT FIGHTING AND THERE IS A HUGE CRAKEN THAT WILL KILL NONSTOP AND THE ONLY GRAGON US AS PLAYERS GET TO USE IS THIS MISHAPEN GECKO. Sory caps lock. Sory again cuz I don't feel like retyping it. Just do whatever you want with this guy he is to bad for me to even come up with anything to say. (I say as i write the longest description of all characters in this build) |
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Rona |
Fast and will chase you down at low health. but she is vulnerable to everything that shoots or swings and can be killed easily. |
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Adagio |
He will kyte you and hurt bad. but run and let him follow you and he will not be able to defend once he looses his beloved turrent. |
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Idris |
This new character is hilarious. His final move he gets onto your body and lets you take the controls ;-) leme just give you a tip for when this creep gets in your body run to your closest turret and wait for the creep to jump off and have a very bad time. He is otherwise not a problem. |
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Taka |
Annoying and will kill you in time. But considering he has the health of a magicarp I think your fine.Gets weaker later in game. |
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Koshka |
Watch out for her annoying stun. Other than that. She is weak and can be killed easily. |
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Catherine |
OMG if you stun me and run one more time whlst I try to end your pathetic excuse of a doctors carer I will need a doctor myself. Like this build if you understood that cuz I wrote it and am still getting confuzzled by it. |
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Ringo |
Mid level threat (no jokes here) I have seen people that don't know how to play this character as a starter and that is the big part of why I ranked him so low. If you gave this character o a person who has played 10 hrs + he knows what to do. That is get a pair of speed boots, blazing salvo and all the sorow blades he can buy and 3 shot you and kill all your turrets with no minions. IM NOT KIDING YOU IVE SEEN IT HAPPEN. And trust me if your on the receiving end of that make a rush for their crystal if you die he will break your crystal is your slow he will break your crystal and if you happen to break all the turrets up to there crystal --- he will break your crystal anyway (nvm I couldn't do it without my awesome sense of humor kicking in somewhere) |
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Lance |
she is just --- back to lance. he will push you back and root you in the ground (wait wait wait how does that work does he dig a hole and let you walk into that. makes no sense) until you just back off. but we all know that high health and medium attack is kruls kind of person so right after backing off turn your dead ass around and stun that crazy yard worker and end him before he can use that crash can lid of a shield to stop you. |
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Blackfeather |
Do NOT LET HIM CHASE YOU cuz he will find you and he will kill you. But the same comes back around. Basically the first hit with these characters wins. |
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Ozo |
Jeezums this guy is a pain running and jumping and running and jumping gives me a headache just trying to keep up with the guy. Most of the time I just click ozo and go get a drink whilst krul just kills him. #no abilities required. But in all seriousness stun that Donky Cong misconception and end him QUICK. |
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No Threat |
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Krul |
As the game says "to the death, theirs" and it will most certainly be. |
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Idris |
Run RUN LIKE HELL. GET TEAMMATES IN ON THIS FIGHT. I just got off a match playing against her. I'm a little ashamed to say this but she killed me 7 out of my 8 deaths. SO I'LL repeat myself Run RUN LIKE HELL. |
9 |
Vox |
Long range high damage. If you see this character in your game get all your team mates to kill him never let him grind. Whilst he is a easy kill early game if left alone to grind minions he will come back late game and give you and your teammates a tour of Hadies's house. (For all of you who have never watched any movie involving greek gods he is basically the leader of hell). |
10 |
No Threat |
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