Introduction Top

Glaive is one of the most effective and dangerous jungler out there. If played correctly, he's just a monster.
In the hands of an experienced player, he'll just be unkillable by the other team.
However, he still has weaknesses:
- Early/Mid game, you'll be pretty weak. I like to have another jungler with me, like Taka or Koshka. If the ennemies invade hard your jungle, you're just out of the game for a long time.
- Even though you're a WP Glaive, you still need mana. Be careful not to run out of it, for example by not using your abilities on jungle creeps when your farming (in mid/late game).
How to play Top
So start off with an
Ironguard Contract and 4
Halcyon Potion. Classic.
Upgrade your
Twisted Stroke first.
Clear the 4 camps (or just 2 if you're with another jungler) on your side, then go to shop and buy the
Sprint Boots.
Then farm, farm, farm.
When you come back to the shop, build slowly your
Tyrant's Monocle. You should get it before the 8mn mark.
Then farm again. If your laner is doing well, do not capture the minion mine, to prevent the ennemy laner from getting extra gold.
Get the
Serpent Mask when you have enough gold. This will allow you to boost your weapon damage, and to regenarate faster out of combat. It'll also help you in 1v1 confrontations.
You can now choose wether you want to start building some defense, or keep upgrading your WP.
If there's a Saw in the ennemy team, I usually go for an
Atlas Pauldron. If not, I prefer a
If you go for a third WP Item, pick a
Tornado Trigger.
In the late game, upgrade your boots, and get a
Bonesaw if you have enough money, or another defense item.
How to use the afterburn Top
Glaive rockets in the target direction, damaging all enemies along the way. His next basic attack is replaced by a frightening blast that knocks his target back several meters.
This skill is THE most important skill to master when playing Glaive. It can save your allies, save yourself, finish a low health ennemy, initiate combat, .......
For more details, check out
this awesome guide that explains everything.
Screenshots/Videos Top
Conclusion Top
This build is a classic WP Glaive. You'll have to impose you in the mid/late game.
If you master
Afterburn in particular, and have a good team, there's no reason you're gonna loose.
If you want to make some games with me, add me (EU Server): nicovank.
Thanks for reading!
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