Early Game Top
When you start make sure to buy your
Sprint Boots to evade close deaths. When I play, most times I will die by
Taka, so make sure to watch out for him. When you go to item shop for the first time, either start working your way up to
Tension Bow, or buy it if you have enough. The next thing to go for is
Alternating Current. This should start allowing you to start your burst damage. The last thing to buy is
Reflex Block. after this, you should be heading into mid-game.
Don't Forget to buy potions, and try to avoid fights without your team!!
Mid-Game Top
During mid-game is when you start to branch off depending what the other team is building. You are going to upgrade your
Reflex Block to a
Crucible, and then you'll branch off. Look above to see what I suggest.
Now that the game has progressed more, and you have more health, you should start to be able to 1v1 people you couldn't have before like
Glaive or maybe even
Taka. Make sure to keep the gold mine whether you steal it or you have to protect it. Mid-game is when you should kind of start to strive. but remember to...
Play Smart!!
Late Game Top
By now, you should you have already adapted to what the other team has built up, and already started to counter it whether it's buying
Bonesaw for the WP defense or
Broken Myth with that CP defense. By now you should have a decent attack speed and can kite people. Truly your 6th item can be your choice. But for myself I suggest
Tyrant's Monocle
Your options are endless... If your wanted, you could buy a warhorn
Fountain of Renewal or
Shiversteel if you would like.
Mid-game to Late game is when
Vox strives. his movement speed, attack speed, etc will hopefully give you the upper hand. I cannot count on this build always winning, but so far for me I have gone 9 wins out of 11 games.
Teammates... Top

Enemy Team started to build up health, so I started to counter their build and I did fairly well!

Enemy team started to build CP, so I started to build against it. I messed up by buying
Crucible instead of
Aegis, but I think you get the point.
More pics to come~
Team Fights~~ Top
When entering team fights, precede with caution. Let your teammates go ahead, and try to stay back for the final hit, or kill steal. When you engage, start off with
Wait for It, and follow up with
Sonic Zoom, and when your all up next to them, use your
Pulse to slow them down and allow your teammates to catch up.
How to escape... Top
Reflex Block when being ganked. To run away use
Travel Boots and
Sonic Zoom
Planing to add more later, for now this is all
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