[Update 2.1] Top
[Guide Updated 2.1]
- Fixing my weapon & hybrid build
- new build that i'm trying recently added
[Guide Updated 2.0]
- Lot's of people asking me how to counter the new Koshka (a little bit overpowered to my taste) : you've to buy a Reflex Block in early game against her. Because with my build, all is about positionning. You lack of health so if she gets you with her stun while her teammates aims you, you are dead.
Users of Koshka often jumps on you with the A abilitie, when they do that, run back to avoid the following abilitie which is the B one. Then she won't do much damage on you, you can kite her and prepare your reflex block if necessary if there is a stun coming from her or her teammates :)
Take care and she won't be able to be the major threat she can be. (her abilities OP, only aftershock and you can solokraken lol)
- Deleted the "before-update Crystal build" and order of item explanations. That was confusing for few people.
- Remade the items part to be easier to understand.
1- I N T R O D U C T I O N Top
Diffculty : All is about positioning
RiNGO's Story He has spent many years in the loud and smoky underground of the Lower Quarter, drinking, attempting to master gambling card games and failing spectacularly. So spectacularly, in fact, he lost his shooting arm in a bet to an unforgiving Grangor. Despite that loss, he's still the best shot this side of the Iridescent Sea and his uncanny shooting accuracy only increases the drunker he gets. Now with deep debts to dubious people, he has become a soldier for hire to work his way back into the black. Recently, he has succumbed to wagering on the outcome of his own battles as an attempt to double his earnings, but that just makes the stakes in the Halcyon Fold that much higher.Ringo is often played as the primary damage dealer for his team. He can shoot at blinding speeds and finish off fleeing enemies with an epic fireball that follows foes across the battlefield
I am MEDiC, 25y.o, from France, Europe. I have tried to play each hero except
Ardan in public matchs.
I main
Ringo and feel it's time for me to share with you my laner Ringo experience :)
Here is my guide to crystal ringo + weapon Ringo + an hybrid! You can click on the arrows besides the first image of ringo to see how I build those
Hope you will appreciate the guide
It is my first one, it takes time to write, but this is a good experience, I am learning interesting stuffs about basic coding ;)
2 - How do I play my RiNGO? MEDiC's advice ! + S T R A T E G I E S Top
- P O S I T I O N N I N G is the keyword of our ringo to success
- Adaptation : counterbuilding and choose which ringo you need (crystal? Hybrid? Weapon?)
- Crystal RiNGO : Boots / AC / AS / FB / DEF / SG-BM
- Weapon RiNGO : Boots / SB / DEF / BP / DEF / DEF
- Hybrid RinGO : Boots / T.Bow / DEF / AC / AS / SG (+sell T.bow for infusions and other CP)
- Defending the lane and also roam into the jungle to help your teammates when you feel there will be a fight. 2v3 and the ennemies won't have no chance if their carry isn't following you.
- poke the ennemies on the lane ! Once you've killed a minion, next attack is a critical one, so use A-autoattack combo (there is a combos section in this guide too) on the ennemy and run back to avoid gank and avoid the minions to hit you (their shots diseapear after couples meters)
- Another good trick is to
poke the ennemy laner, in the aim to pull the enemy minion wave under your turret! then wait 1 hit of turret and right after it your turn to last hit. Easy & fast way farming + protected by turret.
If a SAW is trying to push the lane, this is a good trick, poke him, run, poke him, run.. and when he tries to hit turret FOCUS him : if he HITS YOU, TURRET WILL SHOT AT HIM!!!
- try to never back up, I usually got 5 potions on me everytime, it's almost free and give a very nice sustain to the laner, gives you energy and health, and you can sell it back at the same price you bought it if necessary!
- never go shop if your turret is not safe. Push the lane and then go shoping. If you are almost dead, stay close to the turret, ping your teammates and defend until they come to help, then teleport back to base.
- always leave the base with your
Twirling Silver activate
- NEVER leave the base without activating your
Twirling Silver (I know I repeat :p)
- Farm a lot to be OP comparing to your ennemies, never go back, take potions on you
- FOCUS THE Ennemie CARRY and everything will be ok
- when you die (even if it rarely happen)
- Don't FACECHECK bushes without a tank carry if you don't have vision and if you are not steps forward them concerning building !
- Be extremelly CAREFUL with ennemies that can SLOW YOU !! aspecially
Ardan &
- ..... not done yet .....
- You are the lane protector ! Call your teammates when you feel an opportunity to gank the other laner by green pinging them in the bush aside you! Control the whole lane with vision, add a trap near you if taka is the ennemy. Here is a game from yesterday showing how to have vision around whole goldmine includind lane of course but also important bushes. You can see on the minimap of image down here, how we took
VISION CONTROL ! Then you will know exactly if ennemies are coming to center of the map.... which means if they aren't there and not on the lane (with minions wave vision), they are in their own side of jungle or at base :D
Hmmm MEDiC ? why your build isn't exactly the same as posted in guide?
I didn't feel here I needed Frostburn first, void battery was enough for energy sustain, and I hadn't problem to catch the ennemies with
Sprint Boots so I bought a
Blazing Salvo earlier than usual to give me some attack speed that I am not taking by maxing the A abilitie first and to finish the
Alternating Current first.
I play crystal Ringo most of the time, but
depending on which heroes you are facing, you might have to go hybrid or weapon ringo. ( just updated the weapon build on the 20/02/15, click on arrows near the first image of ringo to see how I build weapon ringo in order.... more to come about this too. Ringo lack of HEALTH, so 2 crucible can help a lot to sustain the fight with the 1400HP and 2 reflex block included and stack your breaking point over 10 points easily)
More to come about this ....
Crystal ringo is amazing against SAW or PETAL because they usually outrange you, except if you spam
Achilles Shot
- My favorite
Adagio (Sorrow? :p) and a TANK that can STUN (
Catherine (SuFoD? :p),
Glaive, or
3 - S T A T I S T I C S Top
RINGO, alias the range -"BOOM HEADSHOT! You're dead!!" -SNIPER |

You need to read this like this :
each time Ringo levels up, he gains :
+ 69 HP
+ 22 Energy
+ 6 Armor
+ 6 shield
+ 3,3 % attack speed (= 39,6 at level 12)
+ 5,9 Weapon Damage
But he is one of the squischiest hero, with lowest health points at late. (With his wife or sista koshka, dont you think they look similar?)
Double-Down = Heroic Perk |
After you kill anything, you know the next attack will be a critical one for sure! (check the double dice over Ringo's head to know if he's gonna critshot)
You can poke the ennemy with combo (mix of those three : auto-attack/A/B) after killing a minion !
Achilles Shot = A |
- This trickshot slows ennemy by shooting the Achille's point alias the ankle!
- On a crystal ringo build, it should be maxed, to lower the cooldown at 7sec, increase the slow at 50% during 2.5 sec AND dealing 380 damage with a 110% crystal ratio!
- Use combo with basic autoattack
- It is very efficient if an ennemy is trying to chase you. Lately, I've been saved a lot against crystal saw's
Roadie Run, if you see him running with muscles and knife in this hand,
PAN!!-"how do you run that fast with all those muscles?", then kite !
Twirling Silver = B |
- Increase move speed : use it everytime you get out of the base, the little loss of energy will recover instantly
- Increase also the attack speed : 67% at level 4
- 67 % + your 40% of the
Blazing Salvo that belongs to the
Alternating Current is enough! That's why you should put this ability at level 4 on a crystal ringo because it has 0 crystal damage anyway between level 4 and 5. (but constant 70% of your cp)
- cost almost no energy (only 54) so you can spam it whenever it is possible!
- you can see on the lower left side of screen the timer of activation.
- 70% of your crystal damage are added to your basic attack in bonus when it is activate !
That's why a build like
Void battery, Shatterglass, Clockwork, Eve, crystal infusion, Shatterglass/Broken Myth can work too because you don't need the
Alternating Current passive to increase your basic attack if you can spam your
Twirling Silver abilitie. Also the gameplay is different then, because it is no more INCREDIBLE BURST damage after each use of ability but more continued damage like a weapon ringo feeling.
Hellfire Brew = C |
- This is one of the best ULTI of the game, the best one in my opinion if you are crystal ringo, as it
- The explosion of the fireball gives splash damage to nearby allies !! You can put them all half-life.
- Plus this burning damage stays for 7 seconds making retreat to base impossible for the opponent. you can chase and use
Achilles Shot to finish them while teleporting back ! (even if they are between turrets, thanks to the big range of Achilles Shot :))
- Max it and you deal 480 damage at level 3, with 70 damage per second during 7 second (7*70=490).
- The 80% crystal ratio makes it up to 1182 damage with FB AC AS SG items.
- Never use this ability in front of the ennemie, never in center of a teamfight. You can start a teamfight by surprising them : stay into a bush, click on the ennemy and then
Hellfire Brew abilitie. They won't be prepared to recieved such a gift haha!
!![MEDiC's pro tip]!! : there is a very good trick that I am doing with the ultimate, if you don't know where are the ennemie and you feel they are trying to gank you, buy a
Flare Gun, consume it, that will reveal ennemies positions and you can move on the minimap, click on the ennemie's carry, and
then pressed constantly your ultimate until your ringo delivers it. He knows with blindeyes where the ennemy is :) you don't need to see the ennemie on your map then :D he will run to the ennemy and split his fireball through the map and it will go into the bush were they are hidden !
4 - I T E M S - E X P L A N A T I O N S Top
-JOURNEY BOOTS- I usually start with
Sprint Boots +
Scout Trap for the first JUNGLE INVASION with teammates. Drop it before the ennemies can see where you place it !
-SHATTERGLASS- Since last update, this item costs 3000 but they increase the CP : Buy this PURE CRYSTAL POWER item (+150CP) if they didn't build any crystal defense (
Kinetic Shield =
Aegis or
Fountain of Renewal). This will increase the passive of your FB + AC + AS !!!
Since new update, this is the first item I usually rush, the 150 CP added to your
Achilles Shot 380 damage is so nice at level 8 :D
Combinated with Alternating Current as second item, this is devastating !
-FROSTBURN- I know you wonder why would I start with
Frostburn since they nerfed it with last update... because it contains
Void Battery that gives +250 Energy max and + 5 Energy recharge +
Heavy Prism that is the best tier 2 crystal power item : +55 CP.
The passive that has been nerfed (The slows was at 35% everytime before): "Dealing crystal damage to enemy heroes will also slow for 1.5 seconds, target can't be affected by Frostburn again for 1 seconds thereafter. Slows by 15% +1% per 10 crystal power."
Frostburn +
Alternating Current +
Aftershock and
Shatterglass = respectively +55CP +60CP +35CP +115CP = 265 Crystal Power = 26.5% to add with 15% = 41.5% :D!!
GREAT combo to escape and chase people. If someone is harrassing you, trickshot
Achilles Shot then auto-attack to use Frostburn slow right after Achilles slow
Since the last update, Frostburn is build through Heavy & Eclipse prism, and no more Void Battery. I now buy this as first item when I feel my team is loosing, instead of getting a SHATTERGLASS first.
-ALTERNATING CURRENT- This is now my SECOND ITEM : it will increase the power of your build with time : the more crystal you've got, the more damage you do! moreover with B combo.
It contains a
Blazing Salvo that will help stutter stepping, and a
Heavy Prism that give nice CP. +60CP and +40% attack speed. So it's good at fast poking at early game. Plus the passive (every two shots of basic attack give a bonus of 115% of your crystal power) : it's an amazing synergy with the
Twirling Silver that add 70% CP damage as a bonus. So you will have every two shots an AC passive bonus. You will see your auto-attack red number + the
Twirling Silver bonus + the passive of
Alternating Current bonus !
-REFLEX BLOCK- 45 sec cooldown. Reflex Block to be able to choose between crucible of aegis at the late game. Crucible is almost always the best choice since you lack of health. Choose aegis if enemies have two or more crystal. If only the ennemy carry got crystal, put him down fast :D your +700 HP from crucible will help.
-CRYSTAL INFUSION- After you got already those 3 core items that are FB AC AS, you can buy a
Crystal Infusion and become unstoppable. You will earn the 500 gold spend back in no time and be able to kill all ennemies in less than 3 seconds !
-BROKEN MYTH- To begin with this item, let's see how pierced damage is calculated :
Pierced Damage = (Total Damage x % Armor Piercing) + ((Total Damage x (1 - % Armor Piercing)) / 1 + ( 1% x (Total Armor or Shield))
- Shield pierce make a % of your crystal damage bypass shield.
- You should build
Broken Myth only if enemy is trying to counterbuild your crystal powa, then it is your time to counter the counterbuild (you follow? lol) with
Piercing Shard (it is broken myth tier 2 item, and got the same statistics : +15% Shield Pierce +20 Crystal Power, without the passive.
So basicly : you've got 2 solutions :
- The enemy is not buying any
Kinetic Shield (aegis or fountain of renewal contains this item), then don't buy this item, go for
Shatterglass because you don't need to pierce anything, and +115CP will increase EACH CORE-ITEMS passive !!
- If they actually try to counter-build you, you should get tier 2 item
Piercing Shard, and then if you are low in life lots of time, then getting tier 3
Broken Myth is really good synergy to active the passive of the item which is "Gain 0.5% shield piercing for each % health you are missing" !!!
In next update, this item will give +20CP +15% shield pierce and will STACK on TURRET, KRAKEN and HEROES.... more like a BP feeling.... you will GAIN 6% shield pierce per second when attacking those (5 stacks MAX). After 5 seconds, you will lose a stack each second.
-EVE- I wanted it to work.. I tried hard, but :'( it's not a good idea into that build. Can't feel the lifesteal... on ringo, it's not working like when you got a crystal saw : here you feel lifesteal from eve, with ringo, nothing!
Since the last update : THIS IS WORKING :D With the new core items : SG/AC/Rflx/Boots/Battery, it is a nice addition to complete your void battery into a EVE !! If they all build nice shield, then choose Broken Myth instead !
You've to choose one item of defense max with this build, most of the time one that contains a Reflex Block. More to come about other possibilities...
-CRUCIBLE- This is a very good item for your teammates and yourself too because you can reflex block for the whole team, and also it give you +700 HP. (Ringo lack of health point comparing to other heroe!!!)
P.S : You can see I usually build 2 crucible on my weapon build, except if ennemy build hybrid or if the carry is crystal, I buy crucible and fountain then.
-AEGIS- Contains a selfie (^^) Reflex Block, buy it if the ennemy carry goes crystal and you have headache with positionning against him.
-WEAPON INFUSION- At very late game, I usually got over 14K gold, 2 solutions :
- you've got an empty spot to buy both infusions, put it in your gourd and drink it!
- No spaces? sell your
Journey Boots that costs only 1900 Gold, buy infusions, consume them, re-buy J.Boots
-AFTERSHOCK- Most of the time, the ennemy team TANK will rushs
Crucible to Reflex Block his teammates.... THIS IS THE COUNTER-BUILD ITEM of Crucible! The slice damage of 20%
Interesting items to build then, because you've got some CD (+25% Cooldown Acceleration)
and E.recharge (+2.4) to spam your ability. The +35 Crystal Power also feed your
Alternating Current and
Frostburn passives
Here is the passive of this item, which is incredible with Ringo, aspecially when teammates decided to buy Crucible/Health : "After using an ability, your next basic attack deals 15%-20% (level 1-12) of your target's max health as damage with +50% lifesteal. Max 400 damage vs non-heroes. 2 second cooldown." It is called SLICE DAMAGE = (Enemy TOTAL HP x Slice %) : the amount of health item spend is kinda gift to you as a lifesteal :D
Since the last update More and more people build SHIELDS, so I prefer EVE and BROKEN MYTH as third item. Keep this item if they build CRUCIBLE ;)
-CLOCKWORK- Not a good idea into that build because you have already bought the CD reduction through AFTERSHOCK and you don't need more CD, the 2 sec you are waiting between each B-skill isn't a problem at all.
Since the last update, it's build through VOID BATTERY, but not a good idea neither on this crystal ringo build.
Some maths :
Twirling Silver on = 70% bonus of your total CP
Alternating Current 1/2 basic attacks = 115% bonus of your total CP
- SG(150) + AC(50/60) + EVE(50) combo = 250 total CP.
-> when
Twirling Silver is on : 70% of 250 in bonus = 175 bonus; So we have 250 + 175 = already 425. We add 115% of 250 every two shots, which is 287.5.
WE HAVE 425 damage on impair shot, and 712.5 damage on pair shots. (every two shots)
Those calculs doesn't count ennemies build. Only pure maths on new crystals items, to explain why EVE is interesting now and wasn't before.
We feel more aggressive with this build, it's much more a WP RINGO feel with huge abilities damage. THANKS FOR THE NEW UPDATE, CRYSTAL IS GIVING SO MANY INCREDIBLE OPTIONS NOW !
5 - G A M E P L A Y - Personnal Build Order Top
MEDiC's EARLY GAME (1/2) : from 0' to around 6'30 |
I usually start with
Sprint Boots and a
Scout Trap for the first TRIPLE JUNGLE INVASION. Rush through ennemies bush to drop a trap before they see you then go to the shop buy 2
Halcyon Potion with the 50 gold you will have with the time.
Here is an example with great early game, only with BOOTS (+ trap placed + potions drinked) and
Twirling Silver you can chase & stutter stepping !!!

If they aren't invading, kill the ennemie's minions beside the middle-shop. Go on the lane to farm 300 gold, push the lane, then back to shop to avoid lack of energy with
Energy Battery !
Then it's up to you to choose between
Alternating Current and
Frostburn as first item !
..... editing
MEDiC's EARLY-GAME (2/2) : from 6'30 to around 11' |
..... editing
MEDiC's MID-GAME : from ... |
15 min mark picture for CORE items if everything is going like you want

..... editing
MEDiC's LATE-GAME : from ... |
..... editing
6 - T I P S & T R I C K S Top
Depending of the situation, there is couples combos you need to master with crystal ringo.
1. Auto-attack (=aa) / B right after it
2. Auto-attack / A right after it
3. aa / A / B : 3 shots in a fragment of second : this is a good one at poking the ennemy laner at early game !!! I do it a lot. For that you need your
Energy Battery.
Against a SAW that can outrage you and can be deadly if spin up, you can use this combo and run.
My combos disepear i need to write all back...
Crystal Ringo is really fun to play, you can see sometimes 5 red numbers together !! yes, i am not drunk... let's count together
1 is the basic attack, 2 is the twirling silver bonus of 70% of your CP, 3 is the aftershock, 4 is alternating current passive, 5 is the buff from your favorite teammate ADAGIO (isn't it Sorrow?).
Imagine this combo : double dice + crystal infusion + trigger B shot that actives aftershock ans BOOOOOOM ACHILLE's SHOT !! R.I.P enemy, killed by a single shot in the Achille's tendon
7 - S C R E E N S H O T S - D E S C R I P T I O N Top
Here are in-games examples to illustrate the build : example 1 : "perfect" |

Right above,
Ardan and
SAW went
Aegis +
Catherine took a
fountain (which contains a kinetic shield) to counter my crystal build, thats why I bought
Broken Myth item to pierce their shield. Plus this item gives 20 CP and so increase your basic attacks by increasing alternating current passive. Plus BM passive is perfect for squischy ringo "gain 0,5% shield piercing for each % health you are missing" ;)
Bought two crystal infusions and a weapon infusion during that game.
They bought
CRUCIBLE, that give me nice slice lifesteal with
Example 2 : "TWITCH with our dear SET6 streamer" |

here that was on SET6 stream, A teams, you can see the
CORE BUILD which is in order
FB->AC->AS. And defense choice was crucible because they build weapons.
Example 3 : "North America Stream, countering TAKA" |

NA stream.
Flare Gun to counter TAKA.
7bis - S C R E E N S H O T S - D E S C R I P T I O N (After UPDATE) Top
V i D E O of G A M E P L A Y Top
Thanks to SET6 Streamer for the twitch links including my gameplay |
http://www.twitch.tv/set6/c/6196066 +++
at 9'10 example of roaming and helping your teammates. It's an autoattack/A/autoattack/B/autoattack combo !!
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