Hello guys I'm Fawksito and I really hope this help you out understanding Catherine and understanding the position you have while playing her, I play in rank 7 and I'm about to get in rank 8 with high win %.
The main thing that you need to understand about Catherine is that you have two roles in game 1) protect your carry 2) interrupt the main and high dps of the other team. When I play as Catherine I always support the carry at the start of every fight, my main dps role is to do dps, and my job is to help him accomplish this, so if there are Melee heroes in the other team I will sit back and baby sit my carry. Ya is stressful and yes I want to go to the front and stomp people, but I can't , at least at the start.
The build sequel is my main road in 99%of he games, securing the jungle is something to important and you will not understand this until you start doing it, the jungle is were every fight gets after the first turret is destroyed so securing it and having eyes in there is more than 50% of the game.
Another thing, Don't use your ulti if you it will not land on players or if you want to run, the última is used after 2 or 3 seconds of the engage when your carry is already positioned , when you already landed your 1st stun there is the perfect moment to use the últi.
Catherine can make hard fights into easy and really easy fights, and when you face a ringo or a Gwen the game can turn in seconds, having high defenses is really important to accomplish this and understanding your shield and having tons of cd reduction is basic too (this set of items is mainly for that , to have high CD-R, my shield usually gets in 4 seconds that means that you will be unshield for 1.5 seconds (If you're mainly targeted, and the shield don't have a casting animation so you will be able to pursue non stop whatever you're trying to catch, also never use atlas while shielded, use your shield stun them wait until it fades and use atlas, 2thigs will happen 1) the carry will run , so you can turn and help your teammates, 2) the carry will keep hitting so it won't hurt and you can go back and help the teammates, if your main target don't die when everyone targets him don't even bother trying to run behind him, think , help your carry do damage and you will eventually win.
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