Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Ozo |
Shoot him a few times, use Mad Cannon, finish off with Roadie Run. Easy kill lol (most of the time) |
2 |
Rona |
Same as Ozo. |
3 |
Petal |
Munions are annoying but can be easily killed. Just look out for her Spontaneous Combustion |
3 |
Silvernail |
Mediocre threat. Just be careful. |
4 |
Idris |
Absolutes stomp unless cp. |
4 |
Leo |
Just shoot him every time he tries to cs. If ganked by him, do not engage unless you absolutely have to. |
4 |
Phinn |
Free health via Serpents tbh. Just look out for Forced Accord and Quibble. |
4 |
Reza |
Can burst SAW but only when fed. |
4 |
Ringo |
Can only beat SAW if Ringo is an absolute god. |
4 |
Taka |
Only dangerous if you are weak or in a 1v2 situation. |
5 |
Churnwalker |
Not so scary alone but with teammates...Run |
5 |
Flicker |
Same as Churnwalker. |
5 |
Fortress |
Refer to above. |
5 |
Inara |
Banishing Kick can be annoying but you should be ok as long as there is no follow up. |
5 |
Lyra |
Only useful with teammates around to be honest. |
5 |
Miho |
Not too much of a threat until late game. |
5 |
San Feng |
Just don't hit whilst he is casting Tiger's Bridge. |
5 |
Varya |
Poke is ok but realistically no one plays her |
5 |
Viola |
Her use of Power Ballad could perhaps contribute to your demise. |
6 |
Ardan |
Pathetic until an Atlas Pauldron is acquired. If such is to happen, be fearful. |
6 |
Baron |
Porcupine Mortar is Baron's bestfriend whilst it is just a nuisance to SAW... |
6 |
Caine |
Poke can be annoying but it is completely manageable. |
6 |
Gwen |
Manageable. Just don't get overzealous and overextend without a teammate. |
6 |
Ishtar |
She is only realistically a pain in her Ascension state. That is the ultimate, fun fact! |
6 |
Kensei |
Stomp early game. Mildly annoying mid game. Run away if you see him late game. |
6 |
Lance |
Watch out for Impale and Root combo. Otherwise, you should be ok. |
6 |
Lorelai |
Fish Food and Splashdown may cause some issues. Wonderwall is quite irritating as well. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary |
6 |
Malene |
Annoying with two escapes, a root, and a slow. Not to mention her high damage via Shadow Tendrils. Be careful. |
6 |
Depends on who is ahead tbh |
6 |
Skye |
Same situation as Samuel but can best SAW rather easily. |
6 |
Vox |
Unless going CP, Vox is not much of a threat. Not until much later, anyway. |
7 |
Blackfeather |
Can definitely kill saw even without an Atlas. Beware... |
7 |
Kinetic |
Not too hard to deal with and shut down. Same situation as Gwen. |
7 |
Magnus |
His stun and poke is annoying. Don't get in his way unless you can absolutely win. Feeding a Magnus is essentially throwing more coals into the fire that is gonna end up burning you alive. |
8 |
Adagio |
Mostly due to him being a lane bully with a slightly bigger pp than SAW. |
8 |
Alpha |
Irritating to play against but shouldn't be too difficult after acquiring a few items. |
8 |
Grace |
Stun could be easily dodged but she can just catch back up with Benediction. Be careful with play. |
8 |
Glaive |
Afterburn. Need I say more? |
8 |
Baptiste |
Ordained and Bad Mojo make for a bad time. |
8 |
Grumpjaw |
He is a hungry fellow, should avoid at Level Six especially. |
8 |
Samuel |
Not as annoying as the other mages but still a little dangerous. |
8 |
Warhawk |
Poker extraordinaire |
8 |
Yates |
Wolf's Maw can lead to your demise. This is especially true if combo'd with Overwhelm. |
9 |
Krul |
Krul is rather dangerous early game, Avoid at all costs unless assisted or a Reflex Block is in your possession. |
9 |
Koshka |
Same with Krul, Her stun is quite annoying. |
9 |
Joule |
Just don't let her sit on you, that is all/ |
9 |
Catherine |
Can be annoying but just get your teammates to handle her, amirite? |
9 |
Anka |
A full health SAW should always beat a full health Anka. Pre level six anyway. |
9 |
Kestrel |
She outdamages SAW. Do not trade unless able to while assisted by a stun hero. |
9 |
Tony |
His Come At Me perk allows him to tank damage. His Jawbreaker is a stun. His Trash talk is well... trash talk! Overall, Tony is dangerous if going the right build path and has support from the enemy jungler. |
9 |
Ylva |
Her sudden stun via Charge Shot and high damage with Crimson Fang will definitely get you killed. |
10 |
Celeste |
She can poke, poke, poke, oh wait you're dead. |
10 |
Skaarf |
As cute as he is, he will literally roast you and your mother. |
10 |
Reim |
Reim's natural beefiness makes him a difficult foe for many heroes, SAW included! |
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