This build allows you to use your abilities more often, punishing you less for using them incorrectly. The trade off is that you won't deal quite as much damage as you could with other builds.
Journey Boots: They give the greatest passive increase to move speed, and reset the cool down to 12 anytime an enemy takes damage from Samuel. Given the area of drifting dark, the cool down reset is almost guaranteed in any battle.
Frostburn: It gives decent crystal power and makes drifting dark slow enemies in a large, moving area of effect.
Slumbering husk: Though Samuel is fairly mobile his biggest weakness lies in his inherent squishiness. He can easily be burst down by sneaky assassins as well as burst carries like Joule. Slumbering husk grants a brief reprieve which can save your life.
Clockwork: This item gives much needed energy regeneration as well as cooldown reduction. Also, it increases your crystal power by a whopping 30%! Buying it also eliminates the need for halcyon chargers, meaning you can afford to buy journey boots.
Broken Myth: Unless the enemy team completely forgoes shield items a broken myth will be much more useful than a shatterglass. The pierce penetrates shields, and it amplifies your damage as the fight prolongs.
Aegis or Metal Jacket: If the enemy is crystal power heavy buy an aegis. If the enemy is weapon power heavy buy a metal jacket.
Crystal Infusion: If you've bought everything else, don't forget to infuse! Infusions give crystal power as well as shield and armor!
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