Petal one of the many heroes in vainglory available from launch, and most likely the most different than her original iteration.
Petal was one of the first large reworks in the game.
Petal use to be a sniper which was a unique title for a very long time, one of the few crystal based champions who heavily focused on auto attacks.
Now that playstyle is changed to the mage crystal carry we know today.
Focused primarily on dealing lots of DoT (damaage over time) with her munion buddies and then bursting foes with explosive goodness while simultaneously healing your teammates with exciting and enthralling explosions, Petal brings the cute, the mad, and the annoying all to the Halcyon Fold in one small but deadly package!!
Heroic Perk: Munions
Petal controls three 'munion' pets. Pets have 8 (+11 pet level, +45% of crystal) damage. A few moments after Petal plants a seed, it will automatically sprout a munion, up to a maximum of 3 pets. In addition, basic attacks mark enemy heroes with sunlight. If a munion bites a marked target, the sunlight is consumed and Petal gains 20%-65% attack speed for 1.5 seconds. Petal also has higher energy regen the more energy she has up to a limit of her base max energy.
Analysis of heroic perk: basically this is your bread and butter for playing petal, getting your munions our and ready to do your bidding is a must for petal, its where the majority of your damage comes from and where your other abilities become relevant and usable.
(A) ability: Brambleboom Seeds
Petal plants a Brambleboom seed directly in front of her. Seeds near Petal will sprout into pets after a brief delay, up to 3 pets. Seeds have a small vision radius. If any enemy steps on a seed, the seed explodes and knocks the enemy back.
overview: This is how you get your munions out, it can also be used sparingly to set up good positions for yourself in teamfights if you know that a fight will happen soon. Filling a pathway with brambleboom seeds between you and your opponent can make your kiting even more powerful and annoying for your enemies to deal with, knocking them back away from you while you chip them down with your lackeys! Make sure to have 3 of your munions out at once at all times because they are a key part of your kit.
(B) Trampoline:
Activate when standing on a boom seed to trampoline off it and launch forward in Petal's facing direction. Using this ability will rally all pets back to Petal's location.
overview: this ability really needs no points in it beyond when necessary. This ability is almost exclusively used for either chasing enemies or running from them. Side note: can be used to hop over small walls but not large ones, use sparingly.
(C) Spontaneous Combustion:
Petal commands her pets to explode one by one, slowing and dealing splash damage to nearby enemies while healing nearby allies. Detonated pets become seeds.
overview: key to your main burst damage and really the main thing you bring to your team compositions and team fights in general. Making sure you have all your munions up as well as properly positioning them near enemies and allies makes this ability what can really show the difference between a novice and veteran petal player. Master this ability and you'll be having the enemies bursting with rage and your teammates feeling the love.
Hi welcome to my guide!! Thanks so much for stopping by~
I'm Dogars, huge moba fanatic and an insanely dedicated fan of Vainglory.
I've been playing since public launch on iOS and plan on playing until the end of time!!
But anyways I'm primarily a jungle and roam main, Petal being my first and most favorite hero on the halcyon fold.
if you have anymore questions feel free to message me here or add me in game my ign is Dogars and I'm pretty active.
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