By stacking early game CrystalBits, that is the most cheap and quick way to quickly stack up your Crystal Power. This Build relies heavily on minions, and the MinionCandy buff also affects Petal's Munions.
The early game stacking of 5 CrystalBits provides a decent 100 CP, at the cost of 1500 Gold, which can easily be farmed from lane. Together with the MinionCandy, this should allow a huge burst of power, in which your minions hit +100 damage in the early stages, and this allows for massive push, and damage capabilities.
The Threats Will Be Completed At A Later Date, Possibly To To Laziness.
As for the All Crystal build, Petal will need to depend on her BrambleThorn seeds for HP.
These seeds should provide around 90 Regen per second when the Crystal build is completed.
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