Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Petal |
Not very mobile, and she as a hero doesn't deal enough damage to take you down. You can kill all her unions with 1 rocket leap, easy kill. |
2 |
Adagio |
Pretty weak and squishy. Rocket leap him out of his Verse of Judgement and just start building stacks. |
2 |
Ardan |
Again, very tanky. Watch out for burst builds. Get an aftershock if against an Ardan. He should't be dealing too much damage unless he is building burst. |
2 |
Skye |
Just a bad hero. Too little mobility. Don't worry about her. |
3 |
Skaarf |
Squishy, but his damage is cumulative, just be careful he doesn't fan the flames too much. |
3 |
Rona |
Fairly tanky, but just got nerfed so she doesn't deal enough damage. You can win in a 1v1, just don't let her spin on top of you. |
4 |
Ringo |
Ringo is very squishy. He is easy to gank and can't do much to defend himself. |
4 |
Vox |
Not too big of a deal, he is squishy, and can't run. He doesn't do that much damage either. You can tank anything he throws at you. |
4 |
Don't let him get spun up. Stun him before he can start doing looney damage. He's too slow to escape your ultimate. Easy kill unless he is spun up. |
5 |
Fortress |
He just takes a while to kill, he is very very very tanky. He also reveals your position with his Ultimate. Just don't focus him in team fights because he is just so tanky. You can let him live because his damage output is not high enough. |
6 |
No Threat |
7 |
Celeste |
Be careful around celeste, her heliogenesis does mad damage very quickly ad she can stun you out of your Big Red Button. However, she is very squishy and if you use your abilities right, you can kill her as fast as 1 2 3. |
7 |
Phinn |
Very Tanky, can't be stunned, your Big Red Button doesn't do any damage to him, and he can deal massive damage and pull you into a turret. Sounds like your worst nightmare. Don't go in alone, he will come out on top. |
8 |
Catherine |
Catherine can be tricky, her shield essentially nullifies you Big Red Button, if you can even get that far... She will stun you out of your big Red Button which is really frustrating. |
8 |
Taka |
He is very bursty, and can is hard to stun because of his mobility. If you can stun him its GG for him as he is pretty squishy. |
9 |
Glaive |
Very tanky, has some lifestyle to him, and has a very quick escape route. This escape route (Afterburn) can shove you into a turret and then finish you off. If you 1v1, you should come out on top, just be aware of his stun. |
10 |
Krul |
Just generally a broken hero. Do not go 1v1 as he will always come out on top. His lifestyle will make him feel very very tanky. Try only to engage with your entire team. If you have to go 1v1, engage with big red button which will hopefully take down his health a big deal. Hopefully he will run away, if he doesn't, just stun him and stack your thunderstrike. |
10 |
Koshka |
She can stun, which is a pretty big deal. She is also hard to hit with your big red button because she is so fast. She is also bursty and can run from you easily. |
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