breaking point increases based on damage dealt
two tyrants are 80% crit chance plus 4 points in glaive's b ability is 21% crit chance so thats 101% crit chance
his ultimate has a life steal passive and we all know about life steel and breaking point
4 meter wide sweep per attack makes it so he hits more than one enemy which helps stack breaking point
hes really durable early late and mid game
also for the boots go either journey or war treads depending if your having to chase the opponent or you want more health.
start off wih a swift shooter and 2 potions
after 1st rotation get a minions foot and a weapon blade
2nd rotation boots and blazing salvo
3rd rotation defense and invade if versing alpha, taka, krul, or a squishy enemy with slow clear speed,
if not then six sins or lucky strike
4th try to get one tyrants monocle
5th work towards a breaking point
6th one defense item
7th work towards a second tyrants monocle
note: upgrade boots whenever you feel like it
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