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Introduction Top

Hello, I'm REDemption and in this guide, I'm gonna show you the strength of
Skye is a mobility mage. She have one of the highest damages potential and her mobility make her frustrating to play against. With 6
Broken Myth stacks she can destroy any ennemies with 1
Forward Barrage
She is probably one of the most skillcaped hero in Vainglory. If you want to have some fun and win games, Skye is the hero you need.
Abilities Top
Target Lock Top
Target Lock is the heroic perc of Skye. All the gameplay of Skye is based on this heroic perc. You will deal a LOT of damages to the locked target with
Forward Barrage. You will DANCE arround the locked target with
Suri Strike and your ultimate
Death From Above will be placed ON the target OR arround her.
Forward Barrage Top
Forward Barrage is the main DPS (Damage per Second) spell of
PRO TIPS : When you use a skillshot hero, ALWAYS TRY TO PLACE YOURSELF in a way that your ennemy is parallel to the closest wall. This is really important if you wanna hit all the
Forward Barrage ticks.
Suri Strike Top
Suri Strike is the spell that make her really boring to play against her. This spell also make your
Forward Barrage cooldown lower (and 0CD when Suri Strike is overdrived]]) It have a 5.5 seconds cooldown and it deal a good ammount of damages. With this spell, you can replace yourself in a 360° degree around the locked target. Even better, you can jump some walls if your target is near a wall !
But don't be greedy, Skye is also really squeeshy and you should be really carefull of your positioning.
Death From Above Top
Death From Above is such a skilled spell. This spell have a short stun and turn into a slow with some damages per seconds. The cooldown for an ultimate is really short so you can really abuse of it. For exemple if you are laning, use this to clear the wave if you feel like it.
Gameplay & strategy Top
Early game Top
In early game as
Skye, you should take your first rotation. When you are at the shop IF :
- You and your support are doing a good job at poking or even killing, you will can try to steal the ennemy jungle. If you do this there is almost no way to the ennemy to comeback. You will be overleveled all the game and you will be almost unkillable.
- You don't feel confident at killing the ennemies, tell your support to go lane if possible. Skye have no problems at farming alone. So this is a way to become overleveled and invade when you got some level/money.
If you are in lane, focus in farm. It's really easy to get tier 3 item really fast.
Mid game Top
When you have 1 tier 3 item you can start to be agressive if you didn't started yet. As I said before
Skye have one of the highest damage output in the game.
Skye "combo" is :
Target Lock to increase your damage of
Forward Barrage, when your forward barrage is finished, use [suri strike]] or wait all your cooldowns if you don't want to force the fight anymore.
Late game Top
In late game, the gameplay doesn't change as the midgame. The only think that changed is that now you have the
Broken Myth and you will pretty much kill them in 2 or 3 seconds.
Also now you can zone them without the
Target Lock to stack the
Broken Myth. Don't be scared to focus the support if the fight isn't engaged.
Build and spell Explanation Top
So there is 3 way of playing Skye in my opinion.
First way : Is the one that was played 80% of the time.
You start building
Frostburn for that amazing slow that you
Skye so much utility in teamfights.
Second way :
You start building
Shatterglass if you feel that you can touch every
Forward Barrage ticks.
Frostburn is completed as last item.
Third way :
When you face a big tank and you want to shut him down the fastest way, you build
Broken Myth. He will give you free stacks and you will deal a big ammount of damages.
For the boots, take the one you prefer. I think the Journey boots are really great for poking. Use boots,
Forward Barrage go back and your boots CD are at 12seconds. Easy poke.
Otherwhise take Halcyon charger for the utility stats.
I choosed to overdrive
Suri Strike first and then
Forward Barrage because of the mobility that give
Suri Strike and the CD reduction he will give to the
Forward Barrage.
There is also the possibility to overdrive
Forward Barrage first when you play against a Krul or something with low mobility. When
Forward Barrage is overdrive, the damages will become insane that he will not be able to sustain so much damages.
Composition that fits well with Skye Top
Skye is one of the highest damage output in the game. But to do that, you need 2 things. Survive and touch with your
Forward Barrage.
So in jungle you can play her with an
Ardan that will give you speed to touch with your abilities and it will save you from taking too much damages.
She can be played with a
Phinn that can combo with you for even more damages. He will slow, give you fortified health and keep them close to you.
And she can be played with a
Lance, he can root so it's pretty much free damages for your
Forward Barrage. He can peel for you by kicking ennemy away but this need a bit of coordination since he can also denie you from doing damages.
Now the comps that are strong in my opinion :
Skye, but in this comp it's a different gameplay. Since Saw have also a big damage output you will do everything to keep him alive. If the ennemies have a melee jungler, place
Death From Above on Saw so it will give him a breath.
Krul or
Glaive and
Skye lane. This comp have a lot of CC and the jungle can help Skye to survive.
Skye here the damage output is also insane but Ringo is more safe in term of mmobility so you can deploy all your potential.
Skye since Taka is really good against Skye (not impossible), having a Phinn will help you so much against his invisibility.
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