These are general tips for playing skye to the fullest extent.
1. Always do your best to Poke out the enemy before team fights, but never dive in by yourself if your team cannot follow up
2. If playing in lane, you should try to poke out the enemy laner early in the game so that you can push the lane out and get damage on turrets since skye struggles with taking objectives
3. If playing Skye in Jungle then try to push into the enemy jungle but do not go to deep in as skye lacks reliable escape on her own.
4. If playing in jungle, and you get an early lead, then push that advantage in the lane by coming up and harassing the enemy laner and pushing into their turret
5. Skye lacks damage against turrets and other objectives so you will need an ace to effectively take objectives like gold mine and kraken. If possible, have your carry take the objectives with the captain while skye pushes the lane.
6. Always basic attack the enemy before using Skye's forward barrage if at all possible.
7. Remember that your Suri Strike does not follow the enemy's path, it goes through them. Suri strike is best when used to get damage off on a whole team if they are grouped up
8. Skye's ultimate is best when paired with other heroes's CC, such as when lance impales the enemy place your Death from Above on top of them since it is more likely to land the stun. It can also be used to stop enemies from running away or stop them from chasing you or your allies
9. keep in mind that your Suri Strike lowers the cooldown on Forward Barrage everytime you use it.
10. If you are having trouble reaching the enemy carry, then you can Suri Strike to a better position where you can hit them
If you are up against heroes with weak early games such as, taka, blackfeather, krul, alpha, fortress, and samuel(jungle), then you will typically want to start with your front most camp, take your treant and then return to take the middle Elder Treant if at all possible. If they have a strong early game comp such when playing against a Koshka, Glaive, or Lance, then you will typically want to start at your outermost treant and work your way to your backs and then if possible take your fronts. This is necessary because if skye is shut down early then she will struggle later in the game.
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