CP Reza Top Lane Guide [3.3] [Dive + Kill] by NOH42YOLONUVIAOP

CP Reza Top Lane Guide [3.3] [Dive + Kill]

Last Updated: May 15, 2018
3 Votes
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Build: Assassin or Bruiser

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Netherform Detonator

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Threat Hero Notes
Celeste Against Celeste you shouldn't incur in much trouble. It obviously depend on the skill level of the player you are facing, but most of the times you should be able to easily dodge her Heliogenesis with your movement speed, and once you are at close quarters with her, using your B to dodge her stun and by the time you used it twice, Celeste should be dead.
Kestrel Kestrel is an easy objective. If you use your B and Ultimate correctly she will be hardly able to hit you with her Glimmershots, and you can easily take her down with 3/4 attacks usually. If she builds CP, once you are on top of her she is as good as dead. If she builds WP, watch out for the active camos while you try to stick on her.
Adagio Just be sure to avoid his ult if you have been hit by his fire, or reflex it. Otherwise, just avoid fights in early game and you should have no problems.
Skaarf If you manage to dodge his poke and get close to him using the boots (or engaging with the ultimate) you can easily destroy Skaarf before can put enough damage on you to sustain himself with his Eve.
Baron Baron CP is easy to deal with. You can easily dodge his skills and ultimate using your movement speed and skills. Just be sure to get on top of him with your support's help, and after he jumps away try to chase him with your boots and skills (Ultimate if necessary). Baron WP is only slightly harder because he can basic attack you, but his slow attack speed is a big limit and you should be able to burst him down.
Phinn Phinn is a non issue for you. Just reflex his ult and avoid his A.
SAW Just be sure to attack him either during his B or when he has no stacks on his perk, and he will go down pretty quickly. Consider buying an atlas to make your life even easier.
Ringo Ringo rarely poses a big threat. You should be able to burst down a Ringo WP before his damage gets substantial (if you see Ringo still gets you, prioritise buying your Metal Jacket. If Ringo is CP I would recommend saving your Ultimate to dodge his ultimate.
Gwen Gwen goes down pretty easily, you should be very mindful of her Stun once you are close to her, since you have very little time to try to dodge it once and it's almost impossible to do so. So either be prepared to sustain a bit of damage, or prehemptively use your Reflex once Gwen goes down to half HP (if she hasn't used her stun yet by that time).
Churnwalker Churnwalker is a Roam that will be giving you very little problems. His kit relies entirely on you being hooked to him, and thanks to your high mobility you can easily stay out of his hooks, or get out of them using your B in case he manages to hit you.
Petal Just stick to petal, avoid her Brambleseed and try to close in with boots after she uses trampoline (eventually using one charge of the B to fly over her seed that she left down while trampolining). Do not waste any attack on the minions and target directly Petal.
Flicker Flicker is hardly a threat. His ultimate should not be a problem assuming you have good map vision. Even if you are suddenly attacked by the invisible enemy, you should be able to escape with a B and Ultimate. His other skills are very easy to dodge seen your movement possibilities.
Skye Skye CP is relatively easy to take down if you know how Skye is played. Be sure to engage her right after she used her Suri Strike, that will give you some seconds of cooldown on her ability which should be enough time to take her down. If she builds WP be very careful with her kiting you around and know when to disengage.
Glaive Glaive is moderately innocuous. Since as a Reza I normally build a bit of weapon defense soon in the game, and thanks to the ability to reposition with both the B and the Ultimate in case of Afterburn, I consider glaive relatively easy to handle. Besides his chunkiness, his hp go down pretty quickly thanks to the Aftershock proc.
Samuel Samuel only issue is his high sustain. If you manage to jump on him and dodge his ultimate tho, you should be able to take him down pretty quickly.
Vox Vox is not particularly dangerous to you, although his natural kiting set could complicate your life a bit. When fighting a vox try to be very aware of your position, because if you use both your Bs and your Ulti to stay on him, you're left with no escapes in case someone jumps on you.
Grace Grace can be annoying with all of her peel and CC, plus her ultimate can easily deny one of your killing-dives.
Joule Joule shifts from very easy to very hard. Joule CP is a non issue, just be sure to attack her from the back. Joule WP can probably 2 shot you with her poke, so be very very careful when engaging her.
Lorelai Lorelai can be annoying with her stun, and her ultimate can basically prevent you from deleting the enemy carry.
Varya Amongst all the midlaners, varya is a bit trickier due to her high mobility and the fact that most of her damage comes from basic attacks instead of skillshots, which makes your life a bit harder because you cannot dodge them. If she uses her ult, be sure to disengage unless you can perfectly time your 2 charges on your B or your Ult to dodge the lightnings.
  No Threat
Ardan Ardan is annoying for you because he can vanguard your objectives to safety. If played carry WP, his tankiness is a bit annoying and if he has been building BP you shouldn't probably take this fight alone.
Taka Taka can be dangerous and outburst you. On the positive side, if you survive the first burst and if your roam has good vision, you should be able to quickly dispatch him right after his retsu/kaiten combo. Be very aware of not wasting your aftershock procs while he kaitens.
Fortress Fortress is annoying for two reasons: the first is that using is A it can make your life much harder escaping from the enemy carries. The second, seen Reza's low attack speed (and the fact that your basic attacks with the aftershock proc and the B proc should be saved for the enemies) it can be pretty annoying to deal with his wolves while the enemies wreck you.
Blackfeather Blackfeather should be no problem in the early game, but as soon as you move into mid late he will very probably outsustain you. He can easily stay on top of you with his skills, so avoid taking 1v1s with him after the first 15 mins of game.
Fortress If fortress decides you are the target, you are pretty much fucked. Despite your movement skills, fortress can have the enemies all jump on you and delete you from the map. Also given your slow attack speed, and the main kit being based on basic attacks procs, his wolves can be very annoying and having you waste most of your damage mid fight.
Grumpjaw As with all tanky heroes, grumpjaw should not be your primary target as your kit will hardly damage him unless your situation is very favorable (you are fed, level advantage)
Rona Against rona is pretty hard to dish out damage. In order to deliver most of your damage with the Aftershock proc and the B proc, you need to get close. If you get too close, Rona wins. My advice is if you are against a rona to limit yourself to poke her with the A, hopefully having a ranged carry taking care of her.
Reim Reim poses a moderate threat. As with Krul and Rona, I recommend poking a lot. If you feel very confident, you can try to stick around him and proc the aftershocks and B, but also be very aware that your priority should not be dealing damage to him, but avoid his skillshots. If you avoid his As (and his ultimate), you have a chance to stay in combat against him a bit longer (Forget winning a 1v1 unless you have a huge level or build advantage.
Alpha Alpha can be pretty annoying. Her innate tankiness, plus the fact that she has two lives don't work well with your kit. It is going to be very hard for you to burst her down. As with all the other tankier bruiser, I recommend poking and letting your bruisers or snipers do the job.
Ozo Ozo is pretty hard to burst down, and his heal will make him outsustain you. He is also very sticky.
Krul There isn't much you can do against a well prepared Krul. As with Rona, I would recommend kiting him with some poke. If he throws his Ultimate at you, either reflex block it and keep poking, or if necessary you can use your ultimate to dodge it (just be very sure that you reappear in a place where you are also safe from the boomerang of the ultimate coming back to Krul!)
Idris Idris is very dangerous because he can kite you very easily. A fight against a Idris is all about your own skill level and timing, since the flexibility and movement freedom are pretty similar. Would recommend buying a bit more defense items if you find yourself fighting idris often and lose the fight.
Koshka Koshka can outburst you for the entirety of the early game, and her ultimate if well placed can be very disruptive. As a Reza, you need to be able to keep moving in order to maximise your damage and limit the damage you take. If Koshka ults on you and you don't reflex block it, you are pretty much done.
Tony Tony is a bit of a bitch. His early game is definitely stronger than yours, and his tankiness towards the late game still makes him a hard target for you. If he uses his Ultimate right, you might find yourself in a very bad position if the enemy decides to focus you. In case this happen, use your Ultimate to try to reposition yourself in a better way.
Reim Reim is a bit of a counter for you. You both need proximity to deliver, but when you get close, he wins. Try to avoid his As as much as you can, and possibly engage right after he used his B so that you can avoid being rooted.
Baptiste CP Baptiste's poke damage and innate tankiness & healing can be pretty hard to handle. Besides, his B is limiting your movements a lot, de facto limiting your damage output while you keep getting those Mojos in your face. If built WP, his sustain will most likely outperform you if he manages to stay on top of you.
Catherine Catherine poses a big threat to you. Due to the silence and the stun, a good combo from an enemy Roam Catherine can set up the stage for your annihilation if you are caught in a bad position. Remember that your survivability is based on your movement and skills sinc.e you are very squishy. Catherine carry is also an issue because you won't be able to deal much of your damage while her stormguard is active.
Lance Lance is very annoying as a support. His B can easily protect the main enemy carry from your dive, and a well placed impale could mean the end for you.
Lyra Lyra can prevent your whole skillset with her bulwark, and by doing so sign your death. Her A can help your target survive and escape from your burst.
Malene As of 3.2 Malene counters pretty much anything so I will wait for the 3.3 balance xD

Intro Top

Hi :)
This is going to be my first guide for Vainglory. I realised recently how most of the guides in here are still belonging to the pre 5v5 era, so instead of complaining about the fact that there are too few guides, I decided to just start writing my own. I believe this is a great way to improve my gaming skills and strategical thinking.

Yesterday night I started ranking with Reza as a top laner, and I immediately realised I have a strong synergy with this character, since I won all of the games I played with him. So I decided to start training Reza more consistently, and document this process with you in this guide. As I play more games I will keep updating this guide with specific information about Game Phases, counters and fight strategies.

Right now the guide consists of a few Item path advices, and I started collecting my toughts on the various counters. I will add more as I face more heroes while ranking, and update them based on new learnings.

Please if you are experienced Reza players, do not hesitate to point out my mistakes, or miscalculations. After all, I am still a nab xD

The guide is currently based upon the observations on:
6 POA Silver Ranked 5v5 Matches

Update 15 May:
Completed the threaths!


Table of Contents Top

1. Game Phases and strategy
1.1 Early Game (1–5 Min)
1.1.1 Initial Build
1.1.2 Initial Strategy (Passive): Farm & Stay Alive
1.1.3 Initial Strategy (Aggressive): Kill & Steal Jungle
1.1.4 First Shopping
1.2 Mid Game (6–10 Min) Coming Soon
1.3 Late Game (11–End) Coming Soon

2. Combat: Skills & Teamfight Strategy Coming Soon
2.1 Reza's Skills
2.2 Teamfight

3. Maximising Reza's Kit Coming Soon
3.1 Synergies with Items
3.2 Synergies in your team
3.2.1 Synergies with Roamers
3.2.2 Synergies with Carries
3.2.3 Synergies with Junglers
3.3 Reza strategies & Opportunities

Game Phases and Strategy Top

Early Game (1-5 Min)

Initial Build

I normally begin with two Crystal Bit unless I have a particularly dangerous opponent in the top lane. Given the current meta, there is a very high chance that you will be facing a Gwen. If this happens, I would recommend either going for a Book of Eulogies and a Light Armor, or a Crystal Bit and a Light Armor. The same principle applies in case you will be facing a WP Kestrel, potentially even a Ringo (although Ringo has less poke potential in my opinion).

Initial Strategy (Passive): Farm & Stay Alive

I spend most of the early game farming my lane. I walk up my lane, then move quickly into the jungle and put a Scout cam in front of the shop (close to the river) but not in the bush. If you put the cam in the bush, it is very likely that the enemies will do the same, and then destroy your cam.

Seen the current meta, it might be very likely that you will be facing two enemies on the top lane. If this happens, remember that they will most likely try to steal your healing camp as soon as it spawns. Seen your slow clearing time at the beginning of the match, not only you will be very likely pushed under turret, but you also have a low chance of stealing the camp in case of an invade. The best strategy most of the time is to give up the healing camp and focusing on maximising the lane farm.

If you see that only one enemy is facing you, you most likely be able to also collect your healing camp after the first wave (be sure to push the lane a bit quicker unless you want to lose some minions under the turret as the second wave arrives and you are still fighting the healing camp (it takes a ****load of time to clear jungle minions with Reza xD).

All in all, my overall strategy is to focus on the lane, rotating to my healing camp as soon as it spawns. The cam close to the shop gives me a solid understanding if the enemy jungler has come to steal my healing camp, in which case I simply stay in lane and focus on farming.

Initial Strategy (Aggressive): Kill & Steal[/b]

If you are particularly talented, or if the enemy is particularly not talented, you should be able to carry on with the passive strategy quite easily. Which means, you could even try some more aggressive strategies.

The first part of this strategy implies that you have good vision on the jungle and you know your risks are very low. You have one of the strongest early game damages with pure skill damage, which means if you hit your enemy laner with your Scorcher and apply firestarter, you might want to dive in with Troublemaker and Basic-attack the enemy. Once this is done, if you are confident you can actually close the fight, go in with another Troublemaker + Basic-attack and land another Scorcher on the laner. This should be enough either to kill them, or to at least having them teleport back. (I would recommend taking such a risk only if you already bought the boots (which implies you already ported back home once) in order to be able to escape if things go south.)

If you see that the jungler is not appearing that often, or you see him appearing often on another part of the map (meaning he is probably helping out another lane or trying to gank another power carry), you might even try to steal the enemy's healing camp. In order to do this, consider that you are clearing very slowly, so be sure to check only if the enemy laner has just ported back home or is dead (Meaning you successfully applied the strategy 1.0). Also be sure to have both charges of your B up again, because you might need them for an escape in case an enemy jumps on you.

First Shopping

I am still unsure on which is the best strategy as a top laner to shop the first items. Ideally, you will be facing a weapon ranged carry, with a way faster clear rate than you. Unless you want to lose lots of minions under the turret for this reason, I recommend holding through and staying on lane until minute 5. I normally focus on farming as good as I can, and if I am very lucky with my invades (or i got an extra kill), by the time the shop opens I am able to shop directly an Aftershock and if I am VERY lucky, even a pair of Sprint Boots.

This gives me a very strong edge if the enemy laner has not shopped yet (or even if he teleported back home and shopped something inbetween the first waves. This is normally the time where I aim at taking out the lane r, push the lane under their turrret and try to invade their jungle for a healing camp. This obviously assumes that I know where the enemy jungler is. Sometimes I even roam to our top jungle and get the back minion camp and if my midlaner is allowing me, even get a crystal buff.

Ideally, by the 5 Minute mark you should have completed at least the Aftershock, and have eventually racked already one or two kills.

Your next priorities should be buying a Reflex Block, a Light Armor and the Travel Boots to start improving your survivability and movement.

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