Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Petal |
May the best petal win! |
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Catherine |
Your munions damage consists of small ticks of damage, so it can get under her B. But her stun can be dangerous, back off everytime she silenced, because you wont be able to escape with your B. |
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Krul |
Krul is a melee character, He can't do anything to petal with his short attack ranged. Krul need to stick to his target as much as possible with petal you can jump around with your Trampoline! to avoid getting close to him. |
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Alpha |
Alpha can't do anything to petal since she's a melee hero. The only problem is her A skill which has a long range. if we able to dodge her A we should be safe. |
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Grumpjaw |
Grumpjaw can't really do much to petal. The only problem is with his ULT, try to dodge his ULT with Trampoline! |
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Kestrel |
Kestrel is the most easiest target for petal. Because of the munions block most of her arrow dealing lower damage to petal. When playing against Crystal power crystal carry flares with you. |
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Taka |
Taka dealt a lot of damage and also very annoying, but he's squishy so try to catch him letting your munions chew on him, Even if he tried to escape with his B the munions chew will revealed him from the invisible. |
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Adagio |
Adagio is not much of a threat to petal, you can easily kite him to death, But you can get in trouble if there an enemies all buffed up by his B skill. Use trampoline! to escape his ULT. |
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Ardan |
Ardan is a Support,melee hero so he won't be much of a threat. But if he with his ally it will be hard to kill the enemies. And remember to always have your reflex and Trampoline! ready in case of his ULT |
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Fortress |
His speed boost might be a trouble if his jungler overwhelmed you. |
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Reim |
Reim may be able to kill your munions easily but he's also easy to kite, as his mobility is very low. |
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Try not to engaged with saw when he got a full stack. When facing saw to catch him off guard as you can easily kill that way. No matter what do not 1v1 with saw as he can use your munions to gain stack. |
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Gwen |
Weapon weapon Gwen is not really dangerous, But crystal power gwen can be a little bit annoying.
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Phinn |
Phinn, tanky captain hero. Like lance he can kill all your munions with a single Quibble in the early game so try not engaged with him in the early game. And also beware of his hook too. |
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Rona |
Rona is scary but at the same time she's not. Her ULT can kill your munions but you escape from her ULT with Trapoline! and kite her to death. |
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Glaive |
Glaive is very scary with his AoE attack. But he kite-able though. Do not get close to him just let your munions chew him. |
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Lyra |
Lyra is big threat as a support hero. Like ardan when her ally is with her you can be in a very big trouble as she got her Healing ability and her B to block off your escape route. |
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Skaarf |
His A can kill your munions at a long ranged. When he his ULT try to run around him or just simply escaped from the battlefield. |
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Blackfeather |
Blackfeather, a melee hero. Even if he's a melee hero he can easily get close to us with his A and C skill plus his C skill can kill our munion instantly so he can shut petal down easily. But he really weak in early game so we should invade as much as possible, do not let him reach his final build. |
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Flicker |
Flicker does really small damage but we have to be careful about his B skill which slow you down and his A skill which root you. And mostly surprised attack with his ally. Always have your trampoline! ready when meeting a flicker. |
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Idris |
Weapon Power Idris is not that much dangerous just to be more careful around him with his B. But Crystal power Idris is a bigger threat compare to weapon power as it is hard to kite him because of he can dash around the battlefield. And his B also dealt a lot of damage too. |
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Koshka |
Koshka ability hurt and with her high move speed she can overwhelm you. But she is a bit squishy. Build a reflex block to block of her ULT. |
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Lance |
Lance, even if he's a captain hero he can easily kill off your munions in a single impale in the early game. Try not engaged with him in the early game. |
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Ozo |
Ozo can use petal's munion as a stepping stone to get close to petal. And he's also very dangerous in the Early-Mid game, but he gonna fall in late game. Try to hold him off until late game then you can kill more easier. |
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Ringo |
Ringo has a really high damage output. Try building a metal jacket first instead of aegis to decreased his damage. |
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Skye |
Skye can be a big problem is she know what she's doing as she can dodge away from your munions easily and target you instead. |
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Petal |
Joule is very dangerous as she can kill your munion very quickly with her B, In addiction her stun is long range and also very long too. |
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Samuel |
Samuel can be very scary in the mid-late game with his B and A skill he dealt a very hurtful AoE damage. |
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Celeste |
Celeste deal insane damage to petal and also outranged petal too. She can easily dispatch your munions. When facing celeste you have to be careful about your position. |
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Baron |
Baron is a really big threat to petal with his A skill he can instantly destroyed all of Petal's munion. So we should not engarnged with him to much, just let our jungler take care of him. |
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Vox |
Crystal Power Vox is a really big threat to petal with his resonance. The bounce damage from his resonance is really hurt. |
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