

***Stun -

***Shield -



5) Always stock up

- Plant traps where you see fit.
- Farm jungle until level 2.
- Proceed to buy

Early Game
- @Lane: Assist the laner in ganking.
- @Jungle: Begin ganking with jungler team mate (if possible).
***The idea is spamming stun to build up armor from passive ability (even if you think you can't kill a lone hero, just stun anyway).
Mid, Late & End Game
- Ganking / Team Battles
***Try to initiate as much as possible, do not let the enemy aim for your high damage but fragile teammates (eg. laners like Ringo / Saw)
- Support team mates with

Alternate End Game (especially if you have high damage & fragile team mates)

- Alternating Current is replaced with

***More frequent

***More stuns

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