Threat |
Hero |
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No Threat |
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Joule |
Joule is an easy target to go for as she is also as squishy as you in the early to mid game. You should be able to kill her as long as you avoid her stun and her ultimate if she is going the crystal power build. |
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Skye |
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Ardan |
He isn't much of a threat to you in time of the game. This is because he is mainly built as a support and have defensive items, therefore doing not much damage to you.
Although if it is a weapon power Arden with high burst potential, you should be fine to kite him out and avoid his stun with your A&B abilities. |
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Skaarf |
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Celeste |
Your sister although out ranges you in lane, your early game is stronger than her's until she gets her crystal power items. Once she does buy her items, she will thrive in the mid game, so you will want to build some defensive items such as an aegis to counter her. |
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Petal |
She also outranges you in lane farming so try to play passive until you farm up enough to get your core items. The try to play aggressive to pressure her back. Her pets can be annoying, but you can easily kill them by combining your A&B abilities for the resonance damage. Avoid her ultimate ability and you will be fine to win your lane. |
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Vox |
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Adagio |
He outranges you and can slow you using his burn in lane while last hitting but if you play passive and poke him once or twice, you should be fine against him until you get your items. |
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Koshka |
The feline can sometimes be hard to deal with if she catches you out as her extra movement speed from her abilities can mean it will make getting away a even harder job. To win, you need to avoid her ultimate and just kite or burst her down as she is also somewhat squishy. |
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Fortress |
This wolf is deadly in numbers as he will leap at you and the rest of the enemy team wont be far behind. The follow up burst can easily kill you if you are alone, so make sure to stay in numbers when you know he is around. |
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Rona |
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Catherine |
She is one of the best initiators in the game with great teamfighting, ambushing & ganking potential. Her stuns last what feels like an eternity. This is why she is the deadliest support which you can face. Avoid using your ultimate when her shield is u as it will just reflect all the damage back at you. If she is a threat in your game, make sure you keep constant map awareness and don't push lane if you know she is somewhere near you. Once she stuns, you are pretty much dead due to the follow up damage behind. |
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Glaive |
This monster jungler has one of the most feared abilities in the game. His afterburn move can be scary in lane as it can knock you away from your turret and leave you utterly defenseless. Make sure to keep close to your team and avoid going near Glaive in teamfights as you are a very squishy target. |
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Phinn |
This new champion support is a deadly threat to your gameplay as all his move provide the enemy team great zone potential and crowd control. This means that they are able to focus you down easily as you will be slowed and stunned. Also the most important thing is to dodge or avoid his ultimate as if he lands it and drags you back them you will most likely be dead due to the damage and CC. |
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Krul |
This 1v1 monster can be scary to face in the late game if he gets fed or his items are maxed. Never or try top avoid to fight him alone as he will surely win duie to his healing potential and damage output. If you do get caught out, try to kite him the best you can to avoid getting auto-attacked. When teamfighting, dodge his stun and you will be able to kill him. |
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Ringo |
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Taka |
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