Threat |
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Petal |
Lol |
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Celeste |
Similar to her brother (Vox) in countering. Remember, if you see her charging up her ult, whip up your shield and watch all that juicy damage get reflected back at her. |
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Rona |
Her advances and attacks are nothing a good stun won't fix. Most players of this char do not really build health heavy, so often you can out tank her and use her own attack power against her. Her ult is laughable to deal with too - stun her if she is a threat to team mates (she is often too slow to be though) or pop your shield and drain her health with her own attacks. |
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Taka |
Taka can be a bit of a nuisance. His frequent crits early game to his constant crits later on can be quite lethal, but remember you have your wonderful stormguard barrier. Throw it up and you can easily out tank him and use his damage against him. |
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Koshka |
The cute Koshka is not really a threat if you are alert and paying attention. Stun her and she will run away, more often then not. If she does not get the hint, stun her again. By now, she'd probably be dead, so that's that really. |
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Vox |
A good Vox knows to build burst damage, which as a Cathrine, means very little to you. Shield up and stun. Blast Tremor him if you feel he is making too much noise, and let your allies close in on him. |
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Ringo |
Can be annoying to deal with, primarily because a good Ringo knows how to stick as close to you as possible without being in range of any of your attacks. Watch out for his slow (Achilles Heal), especially if Ringo has a crystal power heavy build, as this increases the slow.
Other than that, most of the burst damage is easily negated with a pop of your shield - even his ult. |
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Fortress |
Not much of a threat as all. The bleeding inflicted can be a hassle, but you have the health pool and resistances to negate it. Watch for his lunge, but apart from that, be as aggressive as you like. |
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Early game, a pain. Later on, depending on build, he can out tank/dps you (weapon power lifesteal) or he will tickle you with a leaf (anything else). Remain vigilant, stun him as much as possible to reset his wind up stacks and use your shield as much as possible. |
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Joule |
Never was too much of a threat, even with her overpowered ult before the nerf recently. Watch out for her stun, but other than that most of the burst damage she deals can be remedied with popping your number two ability and stunning her. More bonus cookies if stunned during her ult. However, it is a good idea to have your Stormguard Barrier up and sit dead in her ultimates firing lane - it will do minimal damage to you and reflect it back to her and her teammates (your enemy). Situation of course. |
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Glaive |
Have your shield up as much as possible around Glaive, and you will be fine. His critical hits will rip his health to shreds. Laugh while you stun him as he tries to run away. |
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Ardan |
Often , Ardan's are an absolute pain to deal with, no matter the character you are playing. The reason for this is he is stupendously tanky, but pretty much his only weapon is a feather. Ignore and stun him as much as possible, but realistically, you shouldn't really attack him unless he is the greater threat, or the last of the enemy team standing. Bonus points if you manage to stun the pest mid flight of his ult. |
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Krul |
Not too much of a threat, but be aware; one on one, you cannot out dps him most of the time, especially if the krul knows what he/she is doing. Try to time your stuns and shield correctly - ie; when Krul charges at you, activate you shield. Then wait until it disappears and then stun him, and rinse and repeat. The purpose of this is to not let the potential damage reflection from Krul's own attacks go to waste if you stun him. Your shield will only reflect back damage if there is damage coming from a source that isn't stunned. |
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Catherine |
Depending on the competency of the person playing an enemy Catherine, she can be immensely frightening to face or useless. Try not to attack her until higher threat enemies are cleared. A good Cath will try to bait fights, so remember not to get pulled into a gank. |
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No Threat |
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Adagio |
One of the most annoying chars to come against. His Arcane Fire will wittle you down, through your Number 2. Best to stun and back away unless you can out-tank his attacks. Save your number two abilit for when he activates his ult - pop your shield when he does and watch his health drain as it is reflected back. |
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Skaarf |
Same deal as with Adagio. Stun and back off. Skaarfs 'Fan the Flames' perk can quickly overwhelm your health - no matter how much you have.
Remember, when Skaarf's ult is charging/in progress, be the valiant support you are and charge at him with a stun. It might be a case of life and death for your entire team, let alone just you. |
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No Threat |
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