First, good afternoon to every member of this forum just finished this guide after some delay. so here's SAW quick overview
Introduction to SAW

SAW is a ranged powerful hero who able to deal massive damage behind good teammates. Due to his heroic perk, add some high raw damage and you're good to go. But, what crystal SAW could do? Well....MANY THINGS next, I'm going to show you guys his skill set

SAW first skill. It's good for escaping a gank or chasing some dying enemies although still questionable, from my experience, crystal-build SAW roadie run's ms boost is greater than weapon SAW XP that's why I always build my SAW a crystal-based hero. Although his basic attack becomes pretty dull

SAW main harassing skill. In crsytal build . Will be the most damaging skill next to mad cannon XD
SAW ultimate yeah this skill do benefit from crystal item too.
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