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I'm curious though, what about other heroes such as Baptiste and San Feng? Personally, I've some success with those roles in support. It could be because I'm not great a support though, so I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for your comment! While some heroes like
5v5 is less forgiving on these niche picks as they generally don't fare as well later on, where protecting your carries become very important during teamfights. As such, you rarely see them 5v5, where games tend to extend for longer than 3v3, just as
In short, in 3v3, those options are perfectly fine and could potentially be beneficial to finish the game early, but in 5v5, I wouldn't advise using those heroes over the traditional supports.
Hope this helped!
with information hell of a job you did there. ALL is good but needs some tidying up, because it looked kinda messy. Overall this is a very good guide to become a support. Good Job Bro!(hopefully more people will instalock Support for me in the future)
Thanks for your comment! It's great to see people appreciate the work I've done on this guide. Its main purpose is to show those up-and-coming players who haven't really decided what they want to play yet that support is indeed viable, as well as those people that might just want to play support when no one else is willing to budge. But if you've mastered stutterstepping, freezing the lane, and other crucial aspects of the game to become a successful laner/jungler, I see no reason you should try to play support. Good luck on the fold/rise!
The guide is slightly messy because it's so long, but I have no idea where to start cleaning it up, any pointers?
Thank you so much for your comment! I was wondering if it was just bots upvoting my guide :P. Anyway yeah, I made this guide to encourage people to play more support because it really isn't the "noob" role that many people think it is. I've improved significantly at writing guides since my
P.S. I really enjoyed reading your WP