Early Game Strategies Top
This Vox build can either Lane or Jungle, but it is best in lane, since most early game threats are in the jungle and can easily kill you. No matter what I recommend upgrading pulse first, and if laning, to not directly confront the enemy hero but apply resonance to enemy minions near the hero and let the bounce damage from resonance hurt the hero so you can deal consistent poke damage, still kill minions, and keep your distance from the enemy hero. Though swift shooter is a nice early game item for making the most of resonance bounce attacks, you can also grab an energy battery if laning against a bulky fighter, such as Phinn or Ardan, or Crystal bit against slower heroes, like SAW and Reim (Why a Reim would be in the lane is anyones guess). If you ARE going to jungle, hoever, do not jungle invade until at least level 2. Vox is very weak at level 1 in the jungle, whrre there is a HIGH chance he will die if he doesnt use one, or both, potions. At level 2, however, it becomes easy and you can risk jungle invading, if you have a partner that you pair well with (Ardan and Adagio mostly).
Mid Game Strategies Top
In the Mid Game, you still have a lot of potential to grow, but this can easily be delayed till late game if the enemy has the upper hand in the jungle. No matter the situation in the lane, if the enemy has both minion mines and can walk freely around in both halves of the jungle, they can make use of the fact that you are semi squishy and short ranged to lead you into traps. I suggest that until you can deal consistent damage, to not chase down an enemy unless the other 2 can be seen on the map on the other side of the Halcyon Fold. Even then, any indication that your opponents allies are on their way should be taken seriously, as charging into a trap is not something Vox can do easily. Also do not attack turrets alone with this build. Since turrets cannot gain resonance, this Vox build will have a hard time taking turrets down alone, at least until late game. In the mid game, almost always make sure you are close to your allies, to minimize your losses and maximize your gold and hit the cap of 12 faster. If you even find yourself away form an ally, at half health, and past the first enemy turret, run back. Its not worth the risk to gain the gold or kill.
Late Game (The Time to Shine) Top
This Vox build is EXTREMELY powerful in the late game, as you can easily pull of defensive plays with Broken Myth and Alternating Current, along with Eve of Harvest Lifesteal and Crucible/Aegis boosting your survivability and providing Reflex Block. At this time of the match, go ahead and chase down enemies, but still be wary of ambushes. If 2 enemies come up behind you and on the other side of you is a turret and another enemy, you are in trouble. Apply pulse, using the ult if possible, then sonic zoom towards the jungle, launching basic attacks to keep the enemy from applying too much pressure. If they get close, Pulse and Zoom again. When playing Offensive, having the upper hand, feel free to roam anywhere and reclaim minion mines alone. If you are patient enough, you can wait in the brush bordering the lane and the jungle right next to the enemy base and wait for 1 or 2 to come, then you can blast them and kill them. 3 is risky, but you can easily take 2. Note that if the enemy team summons the Kraken, you would be better suited to holding off the enemy heroes while your team handles the Kraken, as Kraken cannot have resonance applied. But with just the smallest support from your teammates, you can easily take out the whole enemy team while simultaneously being able to retreat to your turret to help finish off the Kraken. If YOUR team unleashes the Kraken, your main goal should be to reclaim any lost minion mines and run up ahead to ambush the enemy heroes when they come to kill Kraken. This will both slow them down, and, since they are preoccupied with Kraken, probably allow you to kill all of them with a little luck.
Taking Objectives Top
When you take an objective, it is important to know your strong suits.
Minion Mines
When minion mines spawn, don't go for them immediately. Get them at 8-10 minutes, where you can capture them relatively fast and get the most gold out of it.
Gold Mine
When taking the gold mine, stay back in safety until the gold mine is almost dead. When it is at about 20% of its hp, charge into the brush next to the enemy jungle and immediately use your Ult to silence any enemy heroes there, to ensure the gold mine. After that, proceed to sonic zoom into the middle of the enemies, and immediately apply the Pulse slow to allow your teammates to engage the enemy.
In the Late Game section, I explained how to deal with Kraken AFTER he was captured. This part is for the actual capture of the Kraken. When capturing Kraken, there isn't much you can do, as I explained that Kraken cannot have resonance applied. I still suggest attacking the kraken, but waiting in the enemy bush to see if any enemies come. If you see only one hero, disengage from Kraken and leave it to your teammates, then engage the lone hero and kill him. If it is 2 or more, let them get a little closer so that you can get some support from your teammates without losing progress on the capture of Kraken, then proceed to engage, starting with a Pulse. After that, use Sonic Zoom to move to a more favorable position, and then do what seems best.
Like I said earlier, this Vox build is not for taking turrets, but if you DO get an opportunity to attack the turret without risk, go ahead and attack it, but when enemy minions show up start attacking them. When you have 2 (Or 3 but one is pretty much dead) minions left, or an enemy hero pops up, run back to make sure you don't take damage from the turret, and to make it harder for the enemy heroes to squish you between a rock and a hard place.
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