Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Celeste |
Probably the best thing that could happen. Your sonic zoom can dodge all of her abilities and prevent here from dropping supernovas with ult/silence. |
1 |
Petal |
Yay free kill |
2 |
Alpha |
Dodge her first ability with sonic zoom and all then no more alpha |
2 |
Samuel |
Like glave wait for him to use his perk then attack as the cooldown is somewhat long. |
3 |
Adagio |
Swap for agis |
3 |
Gwen |
Hard to get away from her but again you won't need to. Her perk takes a while to refresh so be as aggressive as possible. |
3 |
Krul |
Don't let him touch you and block ult with agis. |
3 |
Reim |
Be faster then him as his abilities are slow. |
4 |
Baron |
Difficult to get away but if you are good enough then you wont need to run. |
4 |
Grumpjaw |
Easy to doge his abilities with sonic zoom and won't punish your mistakes too much. |
4 |
Joule |
Stun, Ult, needs agis. Also easy to doge both abilities. |
4 |
Skaarf |
Be aggressive early game. Prevent him from getting gold and he will be useless for the remainder of the match or else you will regret not doing that. |
5 |
Lyra |
She is just annoying with the slow and heal. |
6 |
No Threat |
7 |
Ardan |
Dangerous if trapped in gauntlet. |
7 |
Kestrel |
Contraption essential and then she won't bother you. |
8 |
Phinn |
Fat, Slow = Perfect... Just doge his abilities and dance around him. You should have used the heavy defense build. |
8 |
Catherine |
Ovoid stun and silence. Do not attack when here shield thing is active (literally just stand there and wait for it to stop and ovoid other attacks) and then she won't do anything. |
8 |
Ozo |
Dodge ult and stay a good distance from your teammates as he will kick you in the face literally. |
8 |
Ringo |
Don't engage unless you can catch him by surprise. |
8 |
Skye |
Very hard to get away almost impossible when she has a frostburn. Let allies go in first as you don't want her focused on you. |
9 |
Blackfeather |
Ovoid engaging combat unless you have another team mate (preferably melee or tank). |
9 |
Flicker |
He can seek up on you so watch out. |
9 |
Fortress |
He can pounce he will get you. Defense counter build and ovoid invading the jungle as he will have a team mate with him and so should you support. |
9 |
Glaive |
Play it safe as his first ability will doom you. Ovoid that and your good. Take note of when gave has just used his afterburn as you should be aggressive because it is on a reasonably long cool down. |
9 |
Lance |
You won't have a good day. Root, then team kills you. Play it safe and stay near your turret as ganks are powerful. |
9 |
Rona |
Axe machine will mow you. |
10 |
Taka |
Just AFK no point in playing requires agis. |
10 |
Idris |
All abilities are dangerous so ovoid combat unless you have an ally. He is also very weak early gave so don't expect any threatening ganks. |
10 |
Koshka |
Your screwed without an agis to block ult. |
10 |
Very powerful early game, try to damage him by bouncing your attacks off minions with resonance. |
10 |
Vox |
The better player wins unless crystal power then it is easy. |
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