Early Game
I would suggest
as the first item cause it allows Vox to heal every time he last hits a minion which will also bring a threat to the enemy laner. With the
i would suggest
this will add attack speed which will also be helpful when last hitting. A
would be necessary in case of damage.
The early
has become standard for lots of builds and understandably so. There are so many situations where that shield can save your butt from an incoming ultimate that would otherwise kill you, and it allows you be much more aggressive, going for kills near enemy tower in the mid game. If the enemy team comp is heavy on crystal i would go with a
. If the team comp is heavy on weapon i may prioritize a
or a
to cancel off attack speed.
Getting back to damage right after the
build up to a
which will seem to be weak at first but extremely powerful in the end game. Basically what it does is
Gain 10 weapon power for every 140 Weapon damage dealt to enemy heroes (+5 damage needed for each stack thereafter). 25 stacks max. Decays 2 stacks per second after you’ve stopped stacking for 2 seconds. By now you must already have
which allows you to kite in the lane.
End Game
Since you already have attack speed & weapon damage i would suggest to add critical damage to this build since it's most effective when combined with weapon damage & attack speed. Therefore the next item you are going to craft is
(Critical strikes deal 50% more damage than usual). You build up to a
. To max your crit damage build another
. Max your defense and armor and your boots.
Hope this Build Was Helpful! Vote!! Thank You !!
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