Description Top
Taka is a great hero, sometimes he is underestimated but for me, I think he is pretty good, so in this build, it will make him shine! Mostly Taka is more on damage, but in this build, it will be balanced
Using Taka Top
Using Taka can be hard, you can't just use him with like one hand or not doing serious on him, one of his best traits is that his perk, the House Kamuha, making it reach to stack up to 5 would make him pretty powerful. People might treat this Taka easily because it is squishy, but in this build it has a pretty good amount of def.
Starting Top
At the start of the game you should buy Weapon Blade, then buy Swift Shooter, and flare, it will be great so that when you are about to attack, you can use Flare to know who, now moving on to jungling, make sure to always get the creeps first, those jungle monsters, best thing is to solo jungle so that you can reach lvl.6 where he can shine, but at start, don't be greedy,you might not know what is on that bush you are heading to.
At starting game, never let the enemy see you, they will know your build, so make sure you know their build first, making you have the advantage countering them
Only kill when you are possible to also live
Before entering a teamfight or just fight, make sure you maxed up your perk first, so that you will get full advantage of your damage
Assassinating an enemy, try to use this combo: Ult+Melee+A+Melee+B, it is good so that enemies can't follow you anymore when it happened
Countering my build Top
Countering this build can be hard, but the best way countering this build is to use scout traps or flare guns, then stunners like Glaive and Catherine is also good, but fighting good takas is hard, and if you are picking a squishy hero then use slumbering husk or make sure to have high def., countering this can be hard or easy depending on the user
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