Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
0 |
Joule |
Idk |
0 |
Petal |
Idk |
1 |
Ardan |
Almost always captain, no problem |
1 |
Catherine |
Almost always captain. Just annoying when she stuns you |
1 |
Skaarf |
Literally nothing but easily dodged fireballs |
2 |
Baron |
Nothing but can run away with his B |
2 |
Churnwalker |
Annoying but no threat |
2 |
Phinn |
Just a healthbag and that pull and stun but nothing else. |
2 |
Samuel |
Can be burst down |
3 |
Adagio |
If its a captain, easy breakingpoint stacks. If its a laner, be careful |
3 |
Grace |
If WP. Be careful, she can do some decent damage. If shes a captain, no problem |
3 |
Lorelai |
If captain, no problem but very annoying, can slow and stun you. If cp, play carefully |
3 |
Reza |
Can be burst down |
4 |
Blackfeather |
Has decent damage but can be burst down |
4 |
Flicker |
Almost always captain, very slippery, youll need good vision to kill him |
4 |
Glaive |
Be careful of his A |
4 |
Lyra |
Almost always captain. Just dont step in her portal by accident. Can snare you as well |
4 |
Ringo |
Can be burst down but be careful of hus A+B combo, he can kite and attack you |
4 |
Skye |
Can be burst down but be careful, she can kite you and attack |
4 |
Varya |
Decent damage amd can run away easily |
5 |
Celeste |
You can burst her down in single fights. But dont stand near her comets. Either stay really close or very far |
5 |
Lance |
Decent hero. A will pin you down and B can stun you. Other than that its OK |
5 |
Just dont attack him while he has 12 spin up stacks |
6 |
Baptiste |
if CP, do not fight him if he has 4 soul fragments, his A will do A LOT of damage, you can win if you gank him |
6 |
Fortress |
Carefull if hes a carry, he can sustain fights and do good damage |
6 |
Vox |
Good laner, can kite very good, he can be burst down but be careful |
7 |
Grumpjaw |
Has good defense, can sustain a fight and does good damage |
7 |
Gwen |
Good hero in this update, can do quite some damage so watch out |
7 |
Idris |
Also fairly good hero in general sense |
8 |
Kestrel |
Wp, no problem. Cp, high damage, can escape fights with B and can walk almost the entire time invisible late game. Its gonna be hard to chase her |
8 |
Ozo |
Decent damage, can heal while fighting. Be careful |
8 |
Reim |
Decent damage, gets fortified health by attacking. Can root tou and ult can stun you. Tough opponent |
8 |
Tony |
Oh look its you :) |
9 |
Rona |
Deals high damage, both single target and aoe, can sustain fights and decent mobility. Pretty tough opponent |
10 |
Alpha |
Extremely powerful hero in the current update. Maybe you can win a 1v1, but Pretty risky |
10 |
Koshka |
Assasin hero. Very high damage output, can chase you down easily, if you get ulted youre done for. do not fight her alone! |
10 |
Krul |
If you dont have an atlas. Run |
10 |
Taka |
Very dangerous: high damage, high mobility, can heal while invisible and escapes many fights. Youre gonna need vision and an eagis |
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