Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Vox |
wp vox vs cp vox wp wins all the time but wp vs wp depends whos build is better which is my build so you will be fine! hahahhaha |
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Adagio |
be careful of wp adagios can get poisoned shiv to limit his regeneration and to make his regen be limited from 10 to 5 |
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Flicker |
sonar can reveal this uhhhhh meeko?
when he uses his ulti use your pulse to check everywhere use your gut instinct!! |
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Lance |
lol stack breaking and you will be fine |
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Ardan |
tank support you can melt him with your breaking( aim for him to get your stacks up and suprise his teamates when you have full stacks (bangggggg) careful if he is wp |
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Petal |
your pulse and zoom will kill her minions and when shes out of mana you can get a free kill |
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Alpha |
meh no problem but go agro on her when she is rebooting also be careful for a cp alpha and when she uses her ultimate just zoom away asap and come back to finish her off |
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Fortress |
meh your high attack speed can shred his wolves but try to dance around (kite) him to get breaking up to kill him and his little friends! |
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Reim |
make sure you dont get hit by his basic attacks(kite like there is no tommorow) |
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Baron |
your mobility can dodge his a
stay away when he has his b and also listen to your headphones or play with sound cause you can hear his ulti wherever you are |
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Celeste |
your sis(you are mobile and she isnt so dodge all her skills and retaliate angrily.and also you can ambush her by silencing her!!! |
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Krul |
you mad bro? use poisoned shiv to limit his regen and use pulse then dash as he tries to use dead mans rush. |
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engage when his spin up stacks are 0 and also watch out for cp saw. get poisoned shiv to limit his lifesteal! ask your roamer or support to get atlas pauldron |
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Catherine |
holy crap she is SCARY wait for her bubble to run out the go agro (her shield reflects damage) scaryyyyyy |
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Ozo |
keep your pressure on when he uses acrobounce on yo dash to a turret so that the turret can harrass him for free damage |
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Phinn |
watch out for a cp of wp phinn (its a real thing) keep your distance and kill his allies first |
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Glaive |
well well well the grangor hahaha he can burst you down so keep your distance and get poisoned shiv to counter his bloodsong stacks! wait for your allies to initiate first then you pick him off! |
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Joule |
attack from behind and be careful if she is playing cp cause the burst is powerful rush aegis if cp! if wp you will be fine just ambush her and if she tries to use her a to retreat use your boots.when her back is turned then she will take full damage from your basic attacks |
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Samuel |
keep your distance and use pulse to reach out to him never 1v1 him!! |
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Gwen |
dont worry if she is in lane you are in luck use your pulse to reach out your basic attacks to her! be careful of cp gwens poke tho otherwise you wil be fine! |
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Lyra |
watch out for her alternating current |
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Rona |
kite kite kite kite!!! watch out for her as she can and WILL bust you down if she builds cp or wp |
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Skaarf |
this fly can melt you dodge his spitfires and goop! |
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Ringo |
can burst you down mid game but it will be reversed once you catch him by silencing him and waiting for his double down to go by |
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Kestrel |
careful if she is cp but dont zoom into her mist as when she detonates it you are toast.use your pulse to find her |
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Skye |
mobile and fast she can melt you but you must put resonance on her as she cant dodge that! |
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Taka |
holy crap this guy is the god killer of squishy carries.when he is building cp you should stay by your allies.try to use your b to see whether he is hiding in the bush waiting to ambush you! also try to time your aegis right when he initiates his x retsu |
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Blackfeather |
wp or cp be CAREFUL wait for him to blow his ulti.if wp he will most likely get a serphent mask so get poison shiv to counter him dash away when he uses his b so he wont get his amour.if he is cp zoom like mad when his b comes at you cause it hurts like HELL.use your pulse to prevent ambush from this guy
(i used to play him to a high standard!) |
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Idris |
holy coy this guy is annoying go full agro on hhim and also attack his barrier as your bp will go up then when it runs out its gg for him but you must be good at kiting him tho
for cp go on full offence cause cp idris is weak if the person doesnt know how to throw the chakram you must dodge his chakram as it WILL chunk your health |
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Koshka |
same as taka kite and rush your aegis! |
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