In the "Conditional Offensive Items" section I noticed that you suggested Aftershock. Please do not do that. Aftershock is the worst crystal item that you can build on Reim.
Alright I need to add the Aftershock explanation, but here it is:
There are 2 ways of playing jungler/carry:
1. Kill Captain first and enemy jungler/carry have to run away
2. Kill enemy jungler/carry and since enemy Captain doesn't have damage output he/she needs to run away
Option 2 is the most recommended path when jungling. However choosing Aftershock on Reim implements Option 1: Reim with Aftershock, Alternating Current, and Eve of Harvest, can melt high health Captains such as Ardan or Phinn. Plus so much sustain :) (spam abilities with aftershock)
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There are 2 ways of playing jungler/carry:
1. Kill Captain first and enemy jungler/carry have to run away
2. Kill enemy jungler/carry and since enemy Captain doesn't have damage output he/she needs to run away
Option 2 is the most recommended path when jungling. However choosing Aftershock on