Phinn is extremely tanky. Use this to your advantage. For example, imagine a team fight. (you can imagine any hero you want) Lets say that you have travel boots, fountain, warhorn, and an atlas. If the enemy is all grouped up and you can hit them all with a quibble, do it! This would slow them down, or (if you have its overdrive) it'll stun them, which is even better! Using this stun lets your team mates land more hits and thus having an advantage. If their support has a fountain and he/she uses it and they manage to regain their health and deal damage to your team mates, use your polite company. This gives them a shield for a couple seconds and it might help a lot. Not only that, but you should have your quibble out by then (if you have a clockwork). You can also use your fountain and your atlas to help your team regain health as well, and lower the enemy's attack speed. If they try to escape use your forced accord and if you pull them towards you use your quibble. This will either kill them or it will stun them and give your team a chance to kill them.
Now imagine another scenario. This time you and Krul are the only ones alive on your team. The enemy team has, lets say Ardan, Celeste, and a Ringo. You and Krul charge in trying to kill Celeste and Ringo, but the two of you are unsuccessful. Instead Krul only manages to get rid of half of Celeste's health. He most retreat, because of Ardan and Ringo. Instead of letting Krul retreat, tell him to go after Celeste due to her low health and defense. When Krul charges in use your polite company and use your quibble on Ardan so he won't be able to help Celeste. TO deal with Ringo just use your fountain to heal Krul. You might not need it, but just to be safe. Krul finishes of Celeste and in doing so restores all his health. His next target is Ringo. You can stun Ardan (if you can) so he can't do anything, except watch his team mates get destroyed by Krul. After doing this just finish off Ardan and you helped get an ace for the team! Now you can go take the gold mine, steal their minion mine, get the Kraken, destroy the turrets, or do all of them, if you have enough time.
When it comes to his moves always max out quibble first, because you want the stun and it'll come in handy in team fights, but you should always take the upgrade of a new move when available. After you unlock the other two moves focus on maxing out quibble and then max out polite company. The reason you shouldn't max out forced accord is, because it's used for stopping enemies from escaping, not for dealing damage.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this build and see you on Vainglory! :D
This is my first build and Ringo is one of the first heroes I played when I first started. I eventually stopped playing him for a while, but I started playing him like 3 months ago with this set I made, and now he's my main. I'll be making some small tweaks in the future for this set. I'll definitely try to finish the threat list. If you want to talk to me about Vainglory you can chat with me on Vainglory. My user name is F4m3Th3Pl4y3r.
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