Hi everybody, I'm Peter "lookatme", the captain of Team SNOW. I think Skye is one of the most difficult heroes in the game, but she's also one of the strongest. I'd not recommend you to buy this hero if you've started only recently, it would be a good idea to play with simpler heroes like Glaive or Reim.
In the hands of an expert player Skye can counter almost any hero. Taka is Skye's worst enemy because of his high mobility, and Krul is the smallest challenge, because he can move only by running, which is very predictable. In this guide I'm going to tell you also about Skye's positioning in 3vs3 fights, because good positioning is very important for her.
I'd like to thank our player PTLam for information, Skye is one of his favorite heroes. Today I'll tell you about Crystal Power Skye, there is serious difference in CP and WP gameplay, but WP is also quite playable.
You can watch the video version of this guide below (ENG SUBS)
Target Lock
It is very important to have an enemy marked as target. If you have such mark on an enemy, you get additional movement speed and damage, moreover, you cannot use some of the abilities without locking the target at first.
Forward Barrage
When you use Forward Barrage, you should guess the direction of enemy's movement. Skye can move during this ability, but she cannot change direction of the fire. Skilled enemies will run across this fire, changing direction quickly to dodge the damage, and you should follow them closely. If you see that you missed and nothing can be done, cancel the ability at once with second tap on the button, to gain mobility and maybe mark another target. Well-placed Forward Barrage can take away 2/3 health even from enemies with good defense (especially if Skye has good farm), and for squishy enemies it is completely deadly. Forward Barrage deals more damage to the enemy, if he is locked as target, but sometimes it's a good decision to use it without target mark – to stack up the Broken Myth, deal damage from far away or check the bushes for enemies.
Suri Strike
The most important part of Skye gameplay is using Suri Strike, wisely. What is wisely? Well, Suri Strike deals damage, but it isn't very big, so the ability is mainly used to change position quickly and reset cooldown of Forward Barrage. You should wait until, for example, Glaive uses his Frostburn, Taka uses X-Retsu, Rona jumps on you with Into the Fray etc. and then you change your positioning at once, so they cannot reach you for a long time, because they've got big ability cooldowns. That means, if you catch this moment and escape with Suri Strike, you'll be able to deal much damage over the next second without taking it yourself at all. We will overdrive it ASAP for smaller cooldown time. It's different against ranged heroes, there's two ways of behavior. You can retreat, kiting the attacking enemies, hitting the nearest enemy and killing him to clear the way to the ranged one, then you'll want to place the ultimate between yourself and the enemies to prevent them from catching you. Second option of dealing with sniper is taking him into focus with the whole team, then you lock him as target, shoot the ultimate at him and fly over him with Suri Strike to attack him from behind, so that other enemies can't defend him. But you must be sure that your team will support you, otherwise there'll be a risk of being trapped in a ring of enemies. You can also jump with Suri Strike over the walls, when chasing enemies. If your target jumps over a wall, you can follow.
Death From Above
Ultimate can be used to:
1. Stop the enemies from reaching you
2. Stop them from retreating
3. Stun a channeling enemy to cancel his ultimate
4. Deal damage to enemy hero or construction
5. It has very small cooldown, so you can also farm with it sometimes, when you need to do it quick.
The basic item for a new Skye player will be Frostburn, which will let you hit aim with your Forward Barrage more effectively. Expert Skye players can start with a Shatterglass or Broken Myth, which give more damage in exchange for less control, but if you have little experience on Skye, I'd recommend you not to do that.
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