Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
No Threat |
2 |
No Threat |
3 |
Lyra |
Not really a threat, but any Lyra might be a better one than you are. |
4 |
Fortress |
Fortress is irrelevant this patch, but he can be an annoying roamer to deal with. He's not much of a threat, yet. |
5 |
Ardan |
Your Blight Bulwark can easily shut his abilities down. Beware of his ult, though. It is super annoying to deal with. |
5 |
Krul |
Krul is like Rona, but with his own weaknesses and strengths. If he isn't able to initiate, then he can't do much. |
5 |
Phinn |
All his abilities are able to get your allies closer to the enemy, and that can be very dangerous. Stay alert for his ult and use Crucible. |
5 |
Reim |
If you have a melee jungler or carry, there's not much you can do other than heal them. I'd usually recommend focusing the enemy carry first then him because of how immobile he is. |
6 |
Celeste |
Celeste is not much of a threat until level 8. She will especially do a crap ton of damage to you if you get caught out. Position yourself carefully and be sure to use your Crucible against her Solar Storm. |
6 |
Baron |
Wp Baron's AA can deal significant damage. Cp Baron isn't as played as much, but his abilities do hit hard. His range is super high if he maxes out his ult, so make sure you use Bulwark to stop him from jumping. |
6 |
Flicker |
I cannot stress how important it is to place scout traps. Flicker is very much a threat due to how potent he is with getting his teammate kills. Ward...ward...ward. |
6 |
Idris |
His poke can deal a lot. You can mostly shut him down with Bulwark though, so if he gets low, he won't be able to teleport to an enemy or ally. |
6 |
Joule |
Both Cp and Wp are dangerous. Be careful of her ult when she builds Cp and be careful of her Wp path. Try to use your heal carefully on your allies when they're low because of her sniper beam. Also, activate your B so she doesn't jump on everyone. |
6 |
Lance |
His Impale does a significant amount of damage if he's build some weapon power. You're Bulwark can stop his A lunge, but he's still able to reach you from inside. Just like Flicker, he is potent in getting his allies kills, so speed boost your allies out of a fight if things get out of hand. |
6 |
His A ignores your B. Both Cp and Wp are deadly with these builds because of his consistent damage. |
7 |
Adagio |
Seeing an Adagio is pretty rare. Roam Adagio isn't a threat, but Cp is. CRUCIBLE IS SUPER ESSENTIAL AGAINST HIS ULT. |
7 |
Ozo |
His healing and damage are super annoying. Use your B so he isn't able to use his abilities/sustain his health back. |
7 |
Rona |
Rona can be a hazard if she's able to initiate with either her A or B. Without them, she won't be able to get close to your allies. Use your B when fighting against her and your A to GTFO when she ults. |
8 |
Glaive |
Glaive can chunk your health pretty quickly if he focuses on you. Use your B ability to make sure he doesn't get into the backline. |
8 |
Gwen |
Bursty shots and stuns are bad. |
8 |
Kestrel |
You aren't able to body block her Glimmershots or One Shot One Kill, so be sure to heal your teammates when they get low. Wp isn't played as much than Cp, so buy Contraception and ward as much as you can. |
8 |
Skaarf |
Skarrf is most definitely a Lyra counter. His A will decrease the healing time for your A. His B is an AOE that can deal a ton of damage to your team. Etc. Etc. GTFO when he ults. |
8 |
Vox |
Wp is more meta this patch, but his Cp path is annoying to deal with also. He's deadly even when you use your B because of his bounce damage. Be sure to target him first as he can deal more damage than you can heal your teammates. |
9 |
Taka |
Taka can pose a threat, and burst you and your teammates down. It is crucial that you guard your teammates with your B and use flares once he reaches level 6. |
9 |
Ringo |
Ringo's attack speed can be a pain for Lyra and her teammates if you are using these builds. He can easily dish out a ton of damage late game, and delete you if you are not cautious. Be sure to keep a steady eye, and heal your teammates when they get low. |
9 |
Alpha |
You'll be able to shutdown a Wp Alpha more, but Cp is much more devastating. Get your carry out of a teamfight if she's targeting them because she can obliterate. Imperial Sigil and Bright Bulwark are your friends. |
9 |
Blackfeather |
Late game Wp Blackfeather is deadly. Cp can be a threat as his poke damages your team like hell. |
9 |
Koshka |
She's very dangerous early game. I'd recommend using the 'For Super Fast Enemies' build because her speed and damage are super high. |
9 |
Samuel |
Lots of map control and high damage. This is a general statement, but one well-placed ult can determine whether you win or lose a fight. USE CRUCIBLE FOR HIS ULT. |
10 |
Catherine |
Catherine's stun is not affected by Lyra's Bulwark, so she'll still be able to build up her perk. Not only that, her silence is devastating for you and your teammates, so be sure to back off if you missed your Crucible. |
10 |
Petal |
Petal is SUPER OP this patch. Just try to heal your team when they're getting attacked by her. She will demolish your team. |
10 |
Skye |
Both Cp and Wp are huge threats to you especially late game. While you may be able to counter her Suri Strike, her A can still chunk you down. Be sure she doesn't target you, and help your teammates kill her. |
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