Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Krul |
...He is bad rn |
1 |
Vox |
Your a pro if you read this guide no vox can stand up to you |
2 |
Celeste |
So free just dodge her stun and you will beat her 1000000000000% of the time. |
2 |
Petal |
Go cp and shis is free |
2 |
Reim |
Also free stacks |
2 |
Skaarf |
Wait for his abilities then all in him and you will win |
3 |
Ardan |
Ardan he will keep the enemy alive but for the most part just use him for stacks |
3 |
Rona |
If rona is picked you win |
4 |
Joule |
Her b is pretty good but for the most part you should beat her every time |
4 |
Phinn |
Stacks for days but his pull is bs |
5 |
Alpha |
Alpha does so much damage but she can be kited and dodged and will a good team dealt with but beware |
5 |
Flicker |
His slow is annoying but for the most part free stacks |
5 |
Fortress |
Can get the enemy team onto you very quick but for the most part free stacks |
5 |
Lance |
If you get rooted its not fun but use your a to dodge and it should be fine |
6 |
Ringo |
He can burst you down early and create a lead which you will never be able to catch up to but late you should beat him no problem |
6 |
Glaive |
He does damage and cp is very good at getting you out of position but dodge and kit and you should be fine |
6 |
Idris |
He can dive onto you pretty well but he dies too fast |
6 |
Kestrel |
cp does dmg but if you stick onto her easy muny |
6 |
Ozo |
He is a tank jungler so you counter him but his b and ult are pretty good |
6 |
Skye |
Can strafe you but if you lock on your damage will make her stay away |
7 |
Adagio |
He can do pretty obnoxious crystal damage early and heal his ally's build an aegis early and wait till late game were he will just get rekt |
7 |
Catherine |
Her stun so annoying try to use a to escape but watch out her and adagio are a crazy combo |
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Gwen |
Her early game is really good just lane clear and she will get rekt late |
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Koshka |
She can dive you and chuck you really fast but play smart and you should outscale her late game |
7 |
Samuel |
His poke is very strong but if you can lock onto him late you will beat him every time |
8 |
Baron |
Baron does crazy damage but has very low attack speed do try to 2v1 him when you can since he will poke you our with his high auto attack range |
8 |
He will beat you early but he falls off late and if he does not win by 15 you win |
9 |
Blackfeather |
Can get onto you so fast and stick there he will atlas you try to get a skye on your team to counter him |
9 |
Lyra |
Obnoxious early game poke and lane phase be wary but if you make it to late its gg |
10 |
Taka |
He just clicks his ability and does a third of your health but if you survive to late and lock onto him and don't let him get fed you can win depends on your team |
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