Table of Contents Top
Introduction Top
As usual, I'll be adding things to this as I realize they need it. Stay tuned and keep an eye on the Changelog for details.
Celeste's release made me incredibly happy for several reasons.
- She has a global ult. That hurts. A lot.
- She has a global ult. That hurts. A LOT.
See? Several. So naturally, I begin to think to myself, "Skipper, how do you maximize Celeste's potential?" And it was simple. Maximize the ultimate damage. We'll get to that. First off, let's talk about Celeste's abilities.
Heroic Perk
Julia's Light
Slot: Heroic Perk
Celeste's basic attacks are flares of solar light that deals crystal damage and reveal their target.
- Damage: 75-125 (level 1-12) (+75% crystal power) (+100% weapon power)
- Reveals enemies for 1.5s - even after the target leaves vision range.
Celeste is the first true mage in that even her auto attacks deal crystal damage. Personally I'm hoping for a little bit of a range buff, because it isn't viable against most characters, but darn isn't it nice to deal a base crystal amount + 50% of your crystal power as damage with your basic attack!
Slot: A
Celeste forms a small star at a target location, dealing crystal damage to nearby enemies. The star will briefly linger on the field.
- If Celeste uses this ability on an existing star, the star will go supernova, dealing more crystal damage in a larger area.
- Deals 50% less damage to minions.
Celeste's A-slot is her most valuable early game asset. It provides unmatched poke and harass in the lane, and quick and unavoidable damage in jungle invades. It is a skill-shot, so be warned that you're going to need practice to land it properly. But the possibilities are endless. It provides vision, so check your back every 5 seconds in the lane. It lingers and can be targeted again to deal extra damage in a large area to unsuspecting opponents. It has a 2 second cooldown at level 1. Get creative, I know you can probably use it better than I can.
Core Collapse
Slot: B
After a brief delay, the target location collapses and nearby enemies are stunned and take crystal damage. |
Core Collapse is a very helpful stun in team fights. Most people can't see it coming under the brush or are too slow to escape in the madness of a team fight, which puts the enemy team out of the fight for 2 seconds at level 1. Use it to isolate the damage dealer, peel a pursuer, or stop an advance. A useful combo is to use
Heliogenesis +
Core Collapse +
Heliogenesis for maximum damage. Again, your creativity probably trumps mine.
Solar Storm
Slot: C
Celeste launches a storm of stars that travel across the world. Stars collide with the first enemy they hit, dealing crystal damage in an area.
- The number of stars increases each time Solar Storm is upgraded.
- Deals reduced damage to objectives.
So exciting! It's the first "global" ult in the game! Now, it's not technically global since it can't reach past Kraken, but it's got a huge range and that means huge possibilities. With our build, you'll be able to spam it every ~45 seconds late-game, which makes you a huge threat in team fights. Initiate a fight with it. Use it to steal Kraken. Pick up snipe kills on enemies who think they escaped. Or just one-shot that Krul that's hiding in the bush over there because you feel like it. I don't like Krul.
You should max your A and C slots, leaving the unspent point to Core Collapse. The extra range on Heliogenesis and the wider ult beam are worth the slightly shorter stun duration on Core Collapse. Moving on, right this way children!
Gameplay Top
Aggressive Farming, Intelligent Positioning
Like I suggest with all mages, as soon as the match begins, pick up an
Energy Battery and
Halcyon Potionx2 from the shop and move into the lane ASAP.
Heliogenesis sparingly. Harass the enemy lane away from the farm when they move in to last-hit and use your basic attack to land last hits of your own. Occasionally check bushes with Heliogenesis to make sure you're not about to get ganked. Ideally you shouldn't cross the 50 yard line in this phase at all. Let waves bounce off of the turret and reset at the 50 yard line. If you see the need to support your teammates in the jungle, drop and do so. Just be wary of positioning and know that the enemy jungle will probably turn and focus you if you show up on the wrong side of your junglers. By the end of the laning phase, usually the first downed turret, you'll want to have your
Shatterglass up. This is crucial. If you can't get it up before the lane phase is over, you're gonna have a hard time catching up.
Clockwork should be next, with a
Piercing Shard to start your advantage with
Solar Storm
The Ganking phase typically begins around the 5-6:00 mark. At this point it's essential to start playing cautiously around the bushes on the bottom of the lane. Celeste is very squishy, so she's vulnerable to burst attacks from
Koshka, and
Taka. If you're unaware of enemy positioning, I recommend playing towards the top of the lane. Remember to keep an eye on the jungle and support your junglers where you can.
Essential Phase Items
Shatterglass | Category: Ability | Tier: 3 | Cost: 3000
+150 Crystal Power |
Clockwork | Category: Ability | Tier: 3 | Cost: 1950
+50% Cooldown Acceleration
+250 Max Energy
+5 Energy Recharge |
Travel Boots | Category: Utility | Tier: 2 | Cost: 1000
Passive: +0.5 move speed; +1 additional speed outside of combat.
Activate: Sprint for 1.5 seconds (150s cooldown).
+150 Max Health
+3 Health Regen |
Teamfighting Phase
Ideally once the teamfighting starts, you should have your
Shatterglass and
Clockwork already up. If so, initiate fights with your ultimate liberally. Fight in choke points to maximize your damage and support wherever else you can. Remember not to get too close to the middle of the fight, stay at the fringes and drop damage from afar.
Essential Phase Items
Shatterglass | Category: Ability | Tier: 3 | Cost: 3000
+150 Crystal Power |
Broken Myth | Category: Ability | Tier: 3 | Cost: 2150
Passive: Gain 5% shield pierce per second whenever you are in combat with heroes, turrets, or Kraken. After 5 seconds, you lose a stack each second. 5 stacks max.
+10% Shield Pierce
+20 Crystal Power |
By the 20-25:00 mark, you should have fully completed your second
Shatterglass and
Broken Myth. Your ulti should be maxed and able to deal max damage. Remember to get your Broken Myth stacks up to 5 before you launch
Solar Storm if you can manage, but if you can't don't worry. You'll have another chance in 45 seconds. If you miss
Solar Storm, reposition and prepare for a second attempt. Don't let your team get too deep if you miss, or just learn how to not miss. A proper hit and the fight is over rather quickly.
Finishing Strong Top
If the game progresses past 25:00, then it's time to start playing reactively. Most enemy heroes have reacted and built up defensive items to counter your damage by this point, so fight under turrets or in confident 3v3 situations. Don't venture the jungle alone, a gank will drop you almost instantly. The most important thing you can do in the post-20:00 phase is pick off enemies while you finish your build and react to the enemy build.
You've got several options to build here, and I'll break down why you should consider each.
I usually consider this one first. If people can't take your ultimate damage, it makes sense to bring it off of cooldown as quickly as possible. A second
Clockwork really helps with that.
Alternating Current
For that extra edge in teamfights. If your ultimate doesn't off at least one hero,
Alternating Current will help you finish the job.
If enemies are barely surviving and getting away every time,
Frostburn will fix that. The slow will keep them in range of
Heliogenesis and
Core Collapse, meaning you can finish them off with ease.
It's worth noting that Celeste is an all-blue mage, meaning she doesn't benefit from defensives. If you're not comfortable with a glass cannon character, it's up to you to decide what to forgo to build defensively, but you're better off just playing safe and from behind your tank.
Conclusion Top
It's nice to have a second mage in the Fold, and Celeste delivers. She requires a ton of skill to play properly, and you've got to be able to predict players movements on the fly, but if you practice and nail down both of those things, then you'll do well with her. Follow my suggestions, play it safe, and use
Solar Storm liberally and you should do just fine.
Recommended Guides Top
Below are guides from the community that I recommend that you check out!
BlueBadger's Guide to the Hidden Stats of Vainglory
Author : BlueBadger
Written by an engineer and Georgia Tech grad, this guide is a comprehensive and very close to exhaustive resource for everyone wondering how to maximize your build's effectiveness. I personally used the information gathered by Badger in my own guide. |
Solo-Carry Skaarf ~ Everything's On Fire!
Author : skipper587
My original guide to my favorite hero in the Fold, the little dragon that could! Check it out if you want to learn how to bring the ultimate pain and leave the Fold in flames. |
Changelog Top
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