Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Celeste |
she go bye bye once u get to her with ur shiversteel |
2 |
Ozo |
Easy kill once u slow him he's done for |
2 |
Skaarf |
really really weak, focus on him for he does quite a bit of damage in team fights |
3 |
Ardan |
gauntlet is great! he thinks so him and his jungle can take u on? don't go for him go for the jungler always |
3 |
Blackfeather |
Boring! U basically counter the entire character, his rose offensive is annoying tho |
3 |
Fortress |
does a bit gf damage now and then but won't really do u any harm |
3 |
Krul |
u will win against most kruls unless they are higher level or same build |
3 |
Reim |
ice krul, build around him and he's done for |
4 |
Ringo |
Once you get him trapped there's no way out for him |
4 |
Joule |
annoying with her area stun but once u get her trapped and slowed she's done for |
4 |
Lance |
do not engage first, is very very tanky, slow him down and slowing rip him apart |
5 |
Catherine |
Very tanky, don't attack her much and remember u do very very well against tanks |
5 |
Rona |
very strong early game, but once u get ur build she's weak af |
5 |
Skye |
annoying like hell, if she runs use stun and shiverstel |
6 |
Adagio |
annoying little bugger with his super slow, don't focus on him if he's a roamer |
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Glaive |
depends on the build and who's his teammate but 1vs1 you will have glaive a run for his money |
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Koshka |
VERY VERY FAST! slow her as much as possible, remember u do best in long battles she's all bust damage |
6 |
Lyra |
gah! Her slow is very very annoying as well as her teleportation |
6 |
Phinn |
very strong tank that can easily take you down with his ally when its 2 vs 1 |
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Ringo |
Insanely high damage both crystal and weapon, never chase after him and he will kite your ass, get close shiversteel and atlas |
7 |
Alpha |
Very very annoying won't die easily, build around her, don't go for her first |
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Kestrel |
Her invisibility can really annoy you, as well as her ranged attacks, get her trapped so she can't use her cloak |
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Petal |
She can be very threatening if not engaged properly, rush from the bushes and kill her |
7 |
Vox |
annoying kite and dash otherwise very easy to kill |
8 |
Taka |
very very very very annoying,always fight him with a teammate always build around him first, especially cp taka |
9 |
INSANELY HIGH DAMAGE STAY AWAY UNLESS WITH ALLY AND YOU HAVE ATLAS, to kill start from bush, then attack him, stun him if he tries to run away and proceed to shred up his face |
10 |
No Threat |
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