Hey all I'm going to present you a Saw crystal build what will always work if you respect what I will learn you in this guide... ^^
First of all, you should know the utility of all abilities of SAW!

When you are doing a trap, don't use your B spell because if the ennemy is a Taka or a Koshka, you are certainly dead. You should do the ROADIE RUN then suppressing fire or your ultimate ability because it gives you 2 stacks of SPIN UP, so you can get attack speed fast.
When you are trapped by the ennemies, use your ROADIE RUN to disengage.
I can tell you that you must be really careful on early game, so just last hit the minions because you will be slowed by your passive if you hit them... Never push in early game, stay under turret, you are too squishy to engage a fight. In late game, have fun and pleasure, it will be allright! :) If you respect the order of items to buy, you should win the game...
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