Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Vox |
Unlike Ringo, Vox has a very weak early game, especially in update 2.0. Keeping pressure on him and preventing him to farm as much as possible will keep him as a very low threat throughout the whole match. Position yourself so his resonance bounces won't hit you, usually by the top brush in the middle of lane, but be careful not to over extend and get ganked. |
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Baron |
Baron poses almost no threat. Ringo has higher base damage, especially early game, making it easy to bully Baron in the lane. Baron is very immobile and his abilities are easy to kite, so kite him, eventually making him run out of energy and forcing him to retreat. |
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Lance |
Lance is extremely easy to kite so he should not be able to get close to you, even if he uses his A ability. The only way Lance poses a threat is if he roots you, stuns you, or throws you out of position, which will allow his teammates to kill you before you can escape. |
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Krul |
Krul poses very little threat if you kite, and kiting is very easy with your [[Twirling Silver]]. Pick up an atlas after you get your [[Alternating Current]] and [[Eve of Harvest]], that way if he gets close to you he will not be able to do anything other than stand or run while you burst him down. Make sure you have a [[Reflex Block]] by the time he reaches level 6 so you can avoid his stun, which will usually result in your death. |
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Ringo |
WP Ringo has a stronger early game then you, so you should focus on farming instead of trying to pressure him in lane. If you are struggling, signal you team to help you out.
If you meet a CP Ringo, you should try to out-farm him so you can build your Core Items first so you can burst him down before he gets a chance to do so. |
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Glaive |
Glaive is not a large threat if he can't close the gap between you and him. However, he is very good at closing the gap with his [[Afterburn]]. Be careful not to get caught out by his Afterburn because it will almost certainly get you killed, either by him or his stun and knockback will allow his teammates to kill you. Get a [[Reflex Block]] earlier than usual if you see you're playing against a Glaive, and make sure you have map vision so he can't sneak up on you and knock you out. Other than that, he is easy to kill. Your burst damage easily wipes him out and he is very easy to kite if you use your [[Twirling Silver]] |
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Kestrel |
If Kestrel consistently lands skill-shots she will pummel you to death. However, her skill-shots (her A ability and Ultimate) are easy to kite with your [[Twirling Silver]]. Make sure Kestrel does not catch you with her B ability, because it stuns you and deals bonus damage. |
6 |
Joule |
Joule is only deadly if she can get close to you, and she does this very easily with her A ability, which also stuns you. If she goes CP, keep your distance because most of her damage comes from her B ability. If she goes WP, still keep your distance, but it is easier than if she goes CP because CP gives her a lot of poke damage. Avoid her Ultimate, it will shred you, but it is easy to avoid it because of [[Twirling Silver]]. Don't forget that Joule takes more damage if she is hit from behind, so take advantage of this. This also makes your Ultimate more potent if she is trying to run away. |
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Celeste |
Celeste is one of the best at farming due to her A ability. Try to prevent her from farming by pressuring her early on; you have a stronger early game so it should not be hard. Make sure you kite her A ability because that is Celeste's main source of damage. You should not have a hard time kiting if you use your [[Twirling Silver]]. Make sure to pick up an early shield when playing against Celeste. And, finally, make sure to dodge her Ultimate; it will hurt, a lot. |
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Flicker |
Flicker alone poses almost no threat, he has the lowest health out of all support heroes and you have higher damage than him. However, his stealth and his slow are deadly when he is paired with a teammate. Carry a [[Reflex Block]] and make sure not to get caught by his slow, or his teammate will shred you to pieces. |
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Petal |
Petal has been extremely powerful these past few updates. Do not engage without your team around. Always take out her munions first because they do most of the damage, unless she is attacking a teammate, in which case you should attack her directly, your burst damage is enough to take her out. |
8 |
SAW is dangerous early game because he has higher base damage than you. However, focus on your farming and late game you should be able to burst him to a pulp. If you are struggling early game, signal your team to help you out. |
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Koshka |
Koshka's early game is one of the best out of all heroes. She can burst you down if you over-extend. Make sure you have vision of brushes by the lane so you know to retreat if you see her coming. |
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Taka |
CP Taka is brutal against Ringo. Taka's high burst damage and Ringo's low health will obliterate you if you are not careful. Taka however, poses almost no threat if you have map vision, that way he can't sneak up on you and he can't run away with his B ability. ALso, make sure you have a reflex block handy by level 6 so you can block Taka's X-Retsu and mortal wound, and be careful not to overextend to get caught out. Use your [[Achilles Shot]] and [[Twirling Silver]] together to slow him and burst him down, Taka does not have much health so if he is caught out after using his B ability he is not very difficult to kill. |
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