Well Hello Vg my ign is fuhgedaboutit let's get right to it. Adagio is a very valuable asset to teams, who can aid his teamatws with healing and attack power. WHen going roam with adagio first thing you pick up is a fountain of renewal to heal your teamates if your A(ability) is on standby. The more defense you build the higher percentage adagios A(ability)has meaning more healing. Next make sure to get a crucible another team item. Say koshka goes for a stun on one of your teamtes if you hit the crucible fast enough you could save your teamates life from a potential death. Next you should pick up another team item war treads. It helps your teamates pursue the enemy if they are on the verge of death, it also helps your tested flee from a fight if need be. Next item you should have is stormcrown. Stormcrown allows you to destroy objectives faster since your don't have weapons power or crystal power. Your next item depending on the enemy build can be atlas Pauldron. Say for example your are going against a krul which he needs attack speed to steal life faster and fill up his B move which is a burst of dmg that steals the enemy's life if filled up all the way. Anyways adagio can slow krul attack speed enough for him and his teamtes not to take much damage and take him out. Next you can get an after shock also like stormcrown does more dmg to non heroes which can help you clear enemy objectives faster. Also remember to max your A and B (abiliy) when roaming. That's it for adagio but I'll make more on different heroes. Keep calm and play Vg!
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