Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Reim |
Rip Reim, his A is VERY easy to dodge. Just silence him before he ults you and uses his B to root you and lets his teammates take over. |
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Petal |
If she has no frostburn then she is ez. |
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Rona |
Just silence her the moment she A's on your team and use your boots to escape/chase her.
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Celeste |
Psshh.... HAHAHAHAHAHA! She's probably the easiest to take down if she doesn't have Frostburn, just dodge her A and silence her so she cant use her ult as a last resort then keep autoing her rapidly to her death. |
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Ardan |
Vox's dad is kinda easy to beat, the moment he ults just walk out of his zone by reflex blocking it. |
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Koshka |
Dont be afraid of the cat, if she ults you and you dont reflex block it then you're dead. But if you do RB then she's dead, totally dead. Finish her off with your auto attacks and combo her. |
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No Threat |
5 |
SAW is possibly the easiest hero Vox will fight. Just wait till he B's and Ult him then kill him, he should be unable to use his A to get some distance from you. But still it's not recommended to take him out without at least someone to back you up. |
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Blackfeather |
Should be no problem, just ult the moment you see him and do the deed. He shouldn't be able to Rose Offensive to safety on time. |
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Catherine |
Dont. Attack. The. Bubble. Just don't, wait till her bubble comes down before you start attacking her. Oh and be careful her ult can do splendid damage if she uses it to finish you off. |
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Adagio |
Adagio can really hurt if he is the laner on the enemy team, make sure to keep your distance so he can't do an A + C combo or hurt you even more with his B. |
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Skaarf |
This dragon can't even touch you without a frostburn, dodge his spirfire and combo him then hes dead. |
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Ringo |
Ringo can be a pain as he can take you out easily if you get a bad position. Just make sure a stunner like Cath or Ardan is available before you engage him, silence him with your ult and he's dead the moment your support reaches him and applies stun (or gauntlet). |
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Lance |
Lance's A can chirp out a big portion of your health mid game, just make sure to A to safety on time the moment he starts casting his A. |
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Taka |
Possibly the most hard hero Vox will ever encounter is Taka, your autos will be useless the moment he Kaitens on you. Always stick around with your teammates when he's on sight. |
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Krul |
Krul is VERY hard to beat unless you can RB on time when he ults and kite him, just make sure your support Atlases him and he's dead for sure. |
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Alpha |
WP Alpha should be easy, but pay mind to her CP side. If she tries to A you when you're near a turret then troll her by dodging her scan and get her into a disadvantage, then auto attack and activate boots when she tries to ult. |
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Glaive |
Well he's just hard. Don't even let him touch you. Glaive's combo can delete you in just 5 seconds. |
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Phinn |
Get hooked, you're dead.
Get stunned, you're dead.
So yeah pretty much stay away from this big dinosaur and reflex block his ult. Kite him and he's dead. |
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Skye |
I have to say a CP Skye may frustrate you when she has her Target Lock on you. Make sure you prioritise her first before she ults and catches up with you. |
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Joule |
WP Joule should be no problemo to you but i'm talking about CP Joule her, just save your boots to escape from her ult then reply with a silence. |
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Ozo |
Nope, don't laugh at Bozo the monkey. He's still a hard hero to face, just block his ult to get him into a bad position then finish him. |
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Kestrel |
I have no words to express how dangerous she is. Prioritise her in teamfights. |
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