About the Guide
This is a guide for using koshka in the jungle. It uses the fact that all of her abilities lose a small amount of cooldown time with every basic attack executed.
The beggining is crucial for getting set up for the early game. Start of with a crystal bit and some halcyon potions, these will help for getting easy gold and levels. As soon as the match starts go into the jungle and wait for the first enimies to spawn. Attack the smaller jungle creatures first so that you can get about 1 level before attacking larger ones. As soon as you get to level 2-3 jungling should be mutch eaisier, if you still have a bit of a problem, buy an oakheart to upgrade your max health. If you have a problem with your ability running out, then buy an hourglass or a chronograph (if you have the money).
Early Game
This is the most important part of the entire game, mainly beacause it involves things that can completly change gameplay. In this stage you want to get as mutch gold as possible beacause of the shear amount of items that
need to be bought. These items are, in order of importance from highest priority to lowest priority, chronograph, heavy prisim, eclipse prisim, dragonheart, and iornguard contract. If you get enough gold you can buy an aftershock on to of the prisims. The main goal for you as a jungler is to secure at least the minion mine that is on your teams side but try to secure both of them. If you have an assisting jungler (or roamer) then get that person to help you take down the gold mine. In the last 5 minutes of the early game getting prepared for the Kraken battle is a must, so buying a warhorn and a tornado trigger is vital here.
Late Game
At the beggining of the late game you want to be max level (12) and have at least warhorn, tornado trigger, and aftershock. Rally your teamates to the middle of the jungle, beacause at 15:00 the Kraken spawns. The enemy team will probably be waiting or heading there when you leave, so be ready for a 3v3 match. The Kraken can completly change the tide in a battle, but is not hard to kill if the enemy unleashes her as long as your entire team chips in to fight her. The game will normally end around this part, but may go on if both teams are made up of skilled players.
Final Moments
This is it the (normally) last part of the game you have made it this far, now it's time to finish strong. If you are taking on the last turret w/ enimies I suggest that you activate the crystal infusion now, but you don't have to.
Thanks to...
Killer Drake, and PhonixGardner for helping with this guide, and, of course, THANK YOU FOR READING.
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