Hybrid, WP and CP build: A mathematical approach by Phoeking

Hybrid, WP and CP build: A mathematical approach

By: Phoeking
Last Updated: Mar 2, 2017
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StarDaBoii (2) | August 20, 2017 11:43am
What would i buy first shop with the wp build
CrazyAsianNinja (3) | March 17, 2017 10:17am
What do you think about Sorrowblade, Tornado Trigger, Alternating Current and Shatterglass as offensive items?
Phoeking (2) | March 18, 2017 12:17am
It's a good one, but offensive one
Syngos | March 4, 2017 2:40am
Orion | February 21, 2017 8:26am
Thanks for your efforts but it seems reaaly stupid this WP build to me. Once you build your first TT the enemy obviously will build an Atlas unless they are trolls or really noobs. It's very very easily counterable. 2 TT? Atlas and GG.
Phoeking (2) | February 26, 2017 10:21pm
@Kemihu mentioned that earlier.I agree that Atlas can counter Idris easily but there are three options to avoid that:
-keep your distance to hero who has Atlas and using A and C attack hero who doesn't buy it (usually not everyone buys Atlas)
-pick other items such as SB/BP/TM
-you have a good captain who buys Nullwave Gauntlet and uses it on whichever enemy has Atlas
LilWolfPup (16) | February 12, 2017 6:48pm
I love all the info and all, but do you recommend Idris as a carry (like the game suggests) or a jungler? I can't seem to find it in your guide.
Phoeking (2) | February 13, 2017 12:33am
I recommend playing Idris as a jungler. I know there are many players going Idris lane, but I never could understand it. WP build has only melee attacks, so enemy laner can punish you with a free damage easily, while CP build is too fragile and weak early game to reliable last hit (and you can unlock his ranged attacks around 5-6 minute)
And Chakram deals ****py damage to minions
TheGregs11 | February 12, 2017 12:39pm
Lots of good info, I love the chart and videos. Great work.
Cynesta | February 7, 2017 8:22pm
Thank you for the in-depth guide. It's very well done and informative and has helped me understand Idris much better than before. Thanks!
InfinityRift7 | February 7, 2017 8:06am
Hpw long did it take you to finish this?
Phoeking (2) | February 7, 2017 11:38am
Few days of playing, few hours of calculating and few hours of writing.
Gamerdude75 | January 18, 2017 12:07am
Your movement speed in the table is WRONG. Journey Boots and Halcyon Chargers also provide 1 movement speed when not in combat, so it should be 4.8, 4.7, 4.7. Also, hybrid doesn't unlock ur full potential. U don't have unlimited inventory slots. And with full WP u can have 4 WP stuff one boot and one Defence item, for cp it is 4 CP stuff one boot and one defencive item, but for hybrid u only have 2 WP 2 CP one boot and one defence item, which equals 50% of both CP and WP. So for hybrid u r giving up pure damage (higher than a mix) from either paths for a blink, ranged attacks and the ability to reduce cooldown of A and ult and gain 10 stamina from each Attack. That is not 'full potential'. For me I've played matches with Idris testing with all the builds, and WP seems to be the best.
Phoeking (2) | January 18, 2017 1:43am
Yeah, corrected movement speed - thanks.

And by "full potential" I meant that you unlock both melee and ranged path - I thought that was obvious (I'd like to hear what "full potential" mean to you).
When going hybrid you are not giving up damage - your melee attacks are stronger than when you're going full CP. Hybrid build offers the best balance between melee and ranged. It is also hardest to counter.
I actually find some of the hybrid builds the best for me.
Gamerdude75 | January 24, 2017 4:22am
Phoeking wrote:
your melee attacks are stronger than when you're going full CP.

Crystal build affects ur basic attacks 90% but Weapon Build affects ur basic attacks 100%.
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ItadakiMouse | January 14, 2017 12:26pm
Great tips, but I strongly disagree on the build. Two tornado triggers just seems absurd to me... I love the research and math put into this guide!
Phoeking (2) | January 15, 2017 4:21am
Well, instead of second Tornado Trigger you can buy Tyrant's Monocle.
There are several reasons why I go for Tornado Trigger:
-Your DPS is slightly (3%) higher on Sorrowblade/2x TT compared to Sorrowlabe/TT/TM (1210 vs 1173 DPS)
-Attack speed lowers your cooldown and regenerates stamina
-I JUST LOVE ATTACK SPEED (that's the main reason)

But I find one reason to go for Tyrant's Monocle - your critical damage is also empowered by Shroudstep. With TM you have 20% more chance to actually hit critically, and that is a huge difference.
Taking to account critical chance, on average:
-SB/TT/TT would deal 571 damage with Shroudstep
-SB/TT/TM would deal 751 damage with Shroudstep

And that's a huge advantage for buying Tyrant's Monocle

Final word - if you are interested about weapon items "economics" you can go have a look at one of my work - Mathematical approach to weapon items. I compare there different combinations of Breaking Point, Bonesaw, Tornado Trigger and Tyrant's Monocle ;)
Ha7comps | January 4, 2017 10:44pm
If i replace one tornado trigger for breaking point would it be viable ?
Phoeking (2) | January 5, 2017 2:07am
Of course. You don't have to build the exact items I mentioned in this guide.
One should always think first what is his play-style and what enemies he is facing. Just a quick example:
Let's say you are facing CP Reim. If you buy Breaking Point and Aegis, hopefully you'll be able to survive fighting him long enough to build up BP stacks, and actually win 1vs1.

But if you are facing some annoying kiter, such as Petal or Ringo, then you just won't be able to stay near him for a long time - he'll run away, not allowing you to build stacks. In that case I would recommend buying Tornado Trigger or Tyrant's Monocle, for a high burst DPS to finish him quickly
Ha7comps | January 5, 2017 4:10am
Oh wow, never think about the one who has escape capability, thanks!
Exervg | January 1, 2017 2:27am
wow dude thx for tips and builds for idris i was struggling on what build should i need for idris thx man.
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