Team fight strats Top
As a glaive, you want to utilize your afterburn to its full potential. You can use it to chase, escape, and reposition enemy heroes. Try and look for their squishy carry; ringo, Celeste, kestrel and saw are all good targets for your afterburn. What's best about an afterburn is it is hard to miss. In solo q, damage focus is a big problem. However, I've noticed every time I afterburn somebody, they get all the focus from my teammates. It grabs their attention. Use this to your advantage. However, don't afterburn into suicidal situations. Wait for the carry to present the opportunity; a good example is a careless sonic zoom by vox that isolates him for just a second. Jump in and capitalise.
Glaive is deadly. When farmed up right, he can easily decimate an entire team with his aoe crits. He's a nightmare for immobile layers such as saw and Celeste, who he can render useless with early ganks. Build heavy weapon and dive onto that squishy carry.
Early Game Top
Glaive's early game is mediocre. Quite honestly, you should avoid most fights until you have your sorrowblade. You don't have to be completely passive though; spot an enemy roam who's tanked a few more hits than he should've? Afterburn out of that bush, grab a kill and get out. Don't stick around and get killed by an good laner who noticed and rotated down. I like to start out with a swift shooter, to ease the first clear. your first shop consists of a weapon blade and t1 defense item, countering your enemy jungle (if their work, grab a light armor etc). This will give you some nice tank in early jungle skirmishes you can't avoid.
Midgame Top
A big power spike for glaive is his sorrowblade. By now your afterburn should be close to overdrive, so you can really start putting on the pressure. Take advantage before anyone starts building some armor. Depending on how the game is going, start working towards a bonesaw and t2 defensive item. I always build bonesaw regardless whether or not the enemy is building armor, because if at some point they do (they should), you'll get more value out of a bonesaw late game than a tornado trigger.
You're scary now. Top
With your tyrant, sorrow and bonesaw, youll be putting out stupid amounts of damage (as long as you farmed up good). And a t3 defense item should be keeping you in fights long enough.
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